
KSHAMATA stands for
Konkani Student’s Higher Achievement Motivation and Training Academy. It has successfully built a series of training programmes and network of trainers since its inception in 2011. It has organised more than 3000 mandays of training programmes for the Konkani Youth.

KSHAMATA is a set of learning and experiential outcomes which defines the goals of World Konkani Centre. These outcomes are intended to strengthen programme content and quality, providing each participant a deep and meaningful experience.

KSHAMATA serves as a foundation of World Konkani Centre’s most enriching programs. It works as a resource to help look at the bigger picture of our content and values. Through our programming, we seek to exercise the operations of VISION TVM -2030, to become a “Globally Competitive Prosperous Community”.

With the KSHAMATA implemented, we have the ability to really see the three core outcomes as stated in the VISION TVM that should be driven through truly excellent programs. These outcomes are Identify: strengthen Konkani identity, Connect: create Konkani community, and Improve: change the world. Ever since KSHAMATA’s founding, building knowledgeable, informed, passionate and participatory Konkani youth has been our core goal. While youth may not experience each of these elements equally by going through the camps, by the end of their time in KSHAMATA, they should be well on their journey of lifelong Community involvement and Konkani identity exploration.

Key Goals For Participants in KSHAMATA

KSHAMATA participants will be confident about their Konkani Identity, connected to World Konkani Centre and the global Konkani Community, and committed to leading others and improving the World.

3 Core Objectives of KSHAMATA

  • Youth feel confident questioning and integrating in to one’s life Konkani principles about Community, Language, Culture and Heritage.
  • Youth respect diversity within the Konkani Community and the world.
  • Youth use leadership skills to help others develop their own Konkani pride, connections and commitment.
  • Youth have caring and respectful relationship with Konkani peers.
  • Youth understand the role that World Konkani Centre plays for the Konkani people around the world.
  • Youth promote the inclusion of all Konkani people in to the fold of pluralistic Konkani Community
  • Youth understand the current social issues.
  • Youth use Konkani Values to guide involvement in service, philanthropy and advocacy
  • Youth use leadership skills to mobilise the peers around social issues.


KSHAMATA programmes evolved over the years keeping in mind the needs of todays youth. Following programmes are being organised every year in TWO seasons. June-July and Dec-Jan according to the vacation windows of various colleges across the country.


SCHOLARS ORIENTATION AND TRAINING PROGRAMME (SOTP): is initiation in to the four-year development model for all scholarship participants to accomplish while in attendance. SOTP is a Three Day Residential Program for orientation towards Vision-TVM and a robust training package on Personal Effectiveness.


SCHOLARS LANGUAGE SKILLS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME I & II: Both these programmes are aimed at spoken and written communication skills as well as proficiency in English and Konkani. This programme involves interactive classroom and labs activity.


GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS PROGRAMME: GMCS is a three day residential programme focusing on General Management, Team Building and effective Communication Skills. It also involves individual grooming and mentorship.


GRADUATES EMPLOYABILITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME: GRADES introduced as an extension of KSHAMATA trainings for the benefit of students outside the scholarship programme. As the name suggests it is aimed towards rural graduates and under graduates.


SCHOLARS PLACEMENT PREPARATION PROGRAMME I & II: Both programmes are three Days Residential Programs focusing on preparing the scholars for placements. Sessions includes Interview Skills and Aptitude Test Coaching. Access to a premier Aptitude test module to sharpen their logical skills provided.


ENTERPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME: EDP is being organised by KSHAMATA in house as well as in association with MANIPAL INNOVATION CENTRE. The programme encourages entereneurship among the community youth.

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