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Vaman Srinivas Kudva




वामन श्रीनिवास कुड्वा

वि.एस. कुड्वा म्हणून फ़ामद जालालो वामन श्रीनिवास कुड्वा सिंडिकेट बॅंकाचे स्थापक निर्देशक. वि.एस. कुड्वा 9 जून 1889 इस्वींत कर्नाटक राज्याचे मूल्कींत जल्मलो. श्रीनिवास रामचंद्र कुड्व तागेलो बापय. कुड्वालें प्राथमीक शिक्षण मूल्कींत आनी प्रौढ शिक्षण उडुपींत जालें. मुखार इंजीनियरिंग मुंबयचे विक्टोरिया जुबिली टेक्निकल इन्स्टिट्यूटांत घेतलें.

वृत्ती जीवन
कुड्वा 1922-26 थांय आपलीच एक कारखान शुरु केलें. उप्रांत मंगळूराचे सि.पि.सि. कंपनीक मेनेजर जावनु मेळ्ळो. 1932 इस्वींत तेच कंपनीचो जनरल मेनेजर जावनु 1966 थांय आशीलो. तागेले आडळीत अवधींत सि.पि.सि. कंपनी देशव्यापी नांव पावलें. कुड्वा उद्योग सृष्टी करचे नदरेन साभार संस्थो बांदिलो. 1938 इस्वींत केनरा सेल्स कोर्पोरशन लिमिटेड, 1941 इस्वींत केनरा मोटर आनी जनरल इन्शुरेन्स कंपनी लिमिटेड, केनरा वर्क शोप (1943), केनरा टैर आनी रब्बर वर्क्स लिमिटेड (1947), केनरा स्प्रिंग्स (1950), केनेरा स्टील (1963) शुरु केलें. कायदो येवचे पयलेंच तागेले कंपनीचे कामगारांक बोनस, ग्रॅचुटी, पेन्शनाचे सवलत दिता. कुड्वाक पत्रिकोद्यमांत आसक्ती खूब आशीलें. कन्नड साप्ताहीक सत्याग्रही (1922) आनी स्वाभिमानी (1923 -34) पत्रिकेचो संपादक जावनु वावर केलां 1941 इस्वींत न्यूस पेपर पब्लिशर्स प्रयवेट लिमिटेड आरंभ कोर्नु नवभारत दिसाळें आरंभ केलें. मणिपालाचे टि.एम.ए.पै आनी उपेंद्र अनंत पै सांगत मेळनु सिंडिकेट बॅंक आरंभ कोरनु स्थापक निर्देशक जावनशीलो. 1948 इस्वींत केनरा चेंबर ऑफ़ कोमर्साचे अध्यक्ष जालो. त्या काळार उळ्ळाल श्रीनिवास मल्या सांगत मेळनु मंगळूर विमान निल्दाण आनी कर्नाटक रीजिनल इंजिनीरिंग कोलेज, सुरत्कल शुरु जावचाक कारण जाता. आर्थीक उदरगति खातीर केनरा फ़ोरीन स्टूडेंट लोन स्कोलरशीप आरंभ केलें (1955). मंगळूरांत रोटरी क्लब आरंभ जावचाक कारण जालो.

मान स्म्मान
कुड्वाक मोगान लोक कर्मयोगी म्हणतालेंती. एम. वसंत मल्ल्यान बरयिलें वि.एस. कुड्वा – जीवन साधने म्हळेले पुस्तक इंग्लीश आनी कन्नड पुस्तक केनरा फ़ौंडेशनान प्रकट केलां.

Vaman Srinivas Kudva

Vaman Srinivas Kudva popularly alled as V.S.Kudva, was a founder director of Syndicate Bank. He was born on 9th June 1899 in Mulky,Karnataka. Srinivas Ramachandra kudva owned a small hand loom unit. He had his primary education in Mulky and highschool in Udupi. After completing Intermediate exam from Govt college, mangalore he went to join Machanical Engineering in Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute, Bombay.

From 1922-26 Kudva has started an engineering workshop. In 1926 he went to Mangalore and joined CPC Co. Ltd (Canara Public Conveyance Co.Ltd) as Manager. In 1938, he was elected as Managing Director of the company and continued in that position till 1966. During his regime The CPC CO Ltd progressed and earned a great name in the country. To provide employment he setup many Organisations like – The Canara Sales Corporation Ltd (1938), The Canara Motor and Genaral Insurance Co.Ltd (1941), The canara workshops Ltd (1943), The Canara Tyre and Rubber Works Ltd (1947) Canara Springs (1950), Canara Steel Ltd(1963). Bonus, gratuity, pension benefits were given to employees in his companies even before it became mandatory by law. Kudva was interested in journalism. He edited the Kannada Weekly “Satyagrahi”(1922) and editor of Kannada Weekly “swadeshabhimani”(1923 -34). In 1941 he started The News paper Publishers Pvt Ltd and published Kannada daily newspaper “Navabharath”. With T.M.A.Pai and Upendra Ananth Pai of Manipal,Kudva was one of the founder directors of the Syndicate Bank. In 1948 he was elected as President of Canara Chamber of Commerce and Industries, South canara and continued foe next 3 years. Along with U.Srinivas Mallya, he was instrumental in bringing airport to Mangalore and Karnataka Regional Engineering College at Suratkal. He started the Canara Foreign Student Loan Scholarship for students going abroad for higher technical education. He was responsible for starting the Rotary club in Mangalore.
Kudva was fondly known as a “Karmayogi” and people of Dakshina kannadada still remember him. Two books titled V S Kudva – His Lifes and Times (2014) both in English and Kannada authored by M.Vasant Mallya was published by The Canara Foundation, Mangalore.