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Tonse Ananth Pai




तोन्से अनंत पै

टि.ए. पै म्हणुन फ़ामाद जालालो तोन्से अनंत पै बहुमुख व्यक्तित्वाचो मनीस, भारताचो राजकारणी आनी ब्यॅंकर जावनशीलो. तो सिंडिकेट ब्यॅंक आनी भारतीय जीव विमा निगमाचो अध्यक्ष जावनशीलो. भारत आहार निगमाचो पयलो अध्यक्ष आनी भारत देशाचे केंद्र सरकारांत रेल्वे मंत्री जावनशीलो. अनंत पै 26-06-1922 इसवींत मुल्की गांवांत जल्मलो. बापय उपेंद्र पै आनी आवय कमला. ताणे मुंबयचे सिडेन्हेम कोलेजा थावन बि.कोम. पदवी जोडली.

वृत्ती जीवन
1943 इसवींत पद्वी जोडल्य़ा उप्रांत टि.ए. पैन सिंडिकेट ब्यांकांत वृत्ती आरंभ केलें. 1970 इसवींत भारत सरकारान ताका सिंडिकेट ब्यांक आनी भारतीय जीव विमा निगमाक अध्यक्ष जावन नियुक्त केलें. तो बेंगळूराचे इंडियन इन्स्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ मेनेजमेंटाचो पयलो अध्यक्ष जावनशीलो. 1972 इसवींत तो राज्यसभा सदस्य जालो आनी 1973 इसवींत तो केंद्र सरकाराचो रेल्वे मंत्री जालो. उप्रांत बृहत कैगारिका, स्टील आनी खण, कैगारिका आनी नागरिक पूरैके मंत्री जालो. ताणे सिंडिकेट बेंकांत आसताना साभार संस्थो स्थापन केला. त्या पयकी 1. सौत केनरा डिस्ट्रिक्ट को-ओपरेटीव अग्रिकल्चरल डेवलपमेंट सोसायटी लिमिटेड – ह्या संस्थे वतीन 1117 पंपसेट आनी 209 पवर टिल्लर, 3563 ओइल एंजीन, 2070 एलेक्ट्रिकल पंप दीवन दाखलो केला. 2. मत्सोद्यमा खातीर फ़िशिंग इंडस्ट्री, 3. करकुशल कामगारी खातीर विलेज इंडस्ट्री आरंभ केलें

टि.ए. पैक ताणे केलेले साभार साधनेक साभार मान सम्मान लाभल्यात. त्या पयकी
1972 इसवींत पद्म भूषण प्रशस्ती, 1973 इसवींत कर्नाटक विश्वविद्यानिलय आनी 1975 इसवींत आंध्रा विश्वविद्यानिलय थावन गौरव डोक्टरेट प्रमुख जावनसात.

Tonse Ananth Pai

Tonse Ananth Pai also known as T.A. Pai was an Indian politican and banker. He was the Chairman of Syndicate Bank and Life Insurence Corporation (LIC). He was Union Minister for Railways and Food Corporation of India. Anath Pai was born on 26-06-1922 to Upendra Pai and Kamala in Mulki. He was graduated in Commerce from Sydenham College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai.

After completing his degree, T.A. Pai joined Syndicate Bank. In 1970 Government of India appointed him as the Chairman of Syndicate Bank and LIC. He was the first chairman of Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. In 1972, he was elected to Rajya Sabha and was appointed as Union minister for Raiways in 1973. He was given the responsibility of Ministry of Heavy Industris, Ministry of Steel & mines and later the ministry of Industry and Civil Supplies in 1974. During his tenure in Syndicate Bank he has established many organisations like -1. South Canara District Co- operative Agricultural Development Society Limited. Under this organisation he distributed record number of 1117 pumpsets, 209 power tiller, 3563 oil engines and 2070 electrical pumpset. 2. Fishing Industry 3. Village Industries for handicrafts.

T.A. Pai was conferred the Padma Bhushan by the Government of India in 1972. He was honoured with the degree of D.Litt. (Doctorate) by Karnataka University in 1973 and by Andhra University in 1975.