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Sheshagiri Panduranga Kamat




शेषगिरी पांडुरंग कामत

शेषगिरी पांडुरंग कामत कर्नाटकाचे प्रसिद्ध कामत होटेलाचो स्थापक आशिलो. तो कर्नाटकाचे मुरुडेश्वरा लागी बेंग्रे म्हळेले गांवांत शेतकार कुटुमांत जल्मलो. ताणे ल्हान स्वरूपार आरंभ केलालो होटेल उद्य्म आयज विराट रूप घेवनु देश भर पसरलां.

वृत्ती जीवन
प्राथमीक शिक्षण घेतले उप्रांत शेषगिरीन हुब्ळी्क येवन लाकूडा व्यापार शुरुकेलो (1947). तागेले म्हाल्गडो भाव कामत होटेलाचो मालीकु रंगप्प कामतीले मार्गदर्षनार व्यवहार, आडळीत शिकून होटेल उद्यमाक मेळो. हुबळींत आसूचे भारतीय रेल्वे संस्थेचें केंटीनाचें आडळीत हातांत घेतलें. 1956 इसवींत ताणे गदग रसत्यार पोरणे रेल्वे बोगींत दूसरें होटेल आरंभ केलें. लोक त्या होटेलाक डब्बा कॅंटीन म्हणून मोगान आपयतलेंत. साभार काळान नवीन बांदपांत तें कॅंटीन “कामत केफ़े” नांवान स्थळांतर जालें परंतु तांगेले गिराकी डब्बा कॅंटीन नांवानच आपयतालेंत. शुचित्व आनी रुचीक महत्व दीवन, आपले म्हालगडो भाव रंगप्प कामतीले मार्गदर्शनार ताणे होटेल उद्यम कर्नाटक आनी महाराष्ट्र राज्यांतय वाडयलें. तो वेळ परिपालन करच्याक महत्व दिताशीलो. शिस्तुबद्ध आनी क्रियाशील जीवन शैली तागेले व्यवहारांत दिसून येताशीलें. मुखार मुंबय, नागपुर, हैदराबाद शहरांत कामत ग्रूप ऑफ़ होटेल आरंभ केलें. 1982 इसवींत अमेरिका, इंग्लेंड, केनडा देशांत प्रवास करून होटेल उद्यमाचे अध्ययन करून भारतांत आपण्यालें होटेलांतूय तेंच सौलभ्य दिलें. आयज कामत ग्रूप ऑफ़ होटेल सांकाळी सगळे भारतांत विस्तार जावन वाडलां.

मान सम्मान
शेषगिरी कामत 03 ऑक्टोबर 1993 इसवींत हुबळींत जालेले अखील भारत कोंकणी सम्मेळनाचो अध्यक्ष आशीलो. तो हुब्बळ्ळी होटेल मालीकर संघ आनी गौड सारस्वत ब्राह्मण संघाचे अध्यक्ष जावनशीलो.

Sheshagiri Panduranga Kamat

Sri Sheshagiri Panduranga Kamat was a Hotelier, founder of famous Kamat Group of Hotel. He was born in Bengre village near Murudeshwara, Karnataka. He was son of an agriculturist. Today his small hotel became Kamat Groups of Hotel is thriving all over the country.
Sri S. P. Kamat came to Hubli in the year 1944 and started trading in firewood to support himself. In the year 1947, he followed the footsteps of his elder brother and Restaurant Enterpreneur Sri R. P. Kamat and joined him in business. He took over the management of Indian Railway Institute Canteen at Goods-shed area in Hubli. Under the guidance of his elder brother he learnt the tricks of trade of the Hotel Industry. In 1956, he started his 2nd Eatery in a Scrap Railway Bogie in Gadag Road, Hubli. His patrons fondly called it ‘Dabba Canteen’ due to its unique set up and shape. At a later stage modern building was set up in the existing space and the canteen was renamed as “Kamat Cafe” but still it continued to be called as ‘Dabba Canteen’ by the regular customers. S. P. Kamat was mentored and guided by his elder brother to expand his Restaurant business and practice high principles and policies beneficial to everyone. Thus he established a chain of Restaurants and Hotels across Karnataka and Maharashtra. He was best known for his time management, decipline and workholic nature. In 1982, he visted America, England and Canada on a study tour about Hotel Industry and implemented the fecilities available there in his hotels in India. He established Kamat Group of Hotel in Mumbai, Nagpur, Hyderabad city. He led a simple and principled life reflective in his business and was well respected among his peers in the industry.
S. P. Kamat was president of Akhil Bharat Konkani Sammelan held in Hubli in the year 1993. He was president of Hubballi Hotel Malikara Sangha and Gauda Saraswatha Brahmana Sangha.