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Puttu Vaikuntha Shet




पुत्तु वैकुंठ शेट

पुत्तु वैकुंठ शेट मंगळूराचे ख्यात पि.वि.एस. बीडीचे स्थापक, दानी, समाज सुधारक जावनशीलो. पुत्तु पैयीले कठीण परिश्रम, प्रामाणिकता आनी दूरदर्शित्वा निमीत ल्हान प्रमाणेर आरंभ जालालो बीडी उद्यम आयज विकसीत जावनु देश भर नांव पावला.

वृत्ती जीवन
पुत्तु पैयीन 1906 इसवींत एक ल्हान दुकान आरंभकरचे मुखांतर व्यापाराक पावलं दवरलें. त्याच वेळार आपले बंधु, मित्र आनी आळशे तर्नाटेंक बीडी बांदूचे काम दीवन बीडी उद्यम शुरुकेलें. दक्षीण कन्नडांत हो उद्यम हळू हळू वाडत गेलो. बीडी तयारीक जाय आशिलो कच्चा माल दूर महाराष्ट्रा, बेळगांव निप्पाणी थावन हाडचे पडतलें. पूण त्या काळार संचार व्यवस्था बरो नातिल्यान ताका खूब त्रास जातालो. पुत्तु पैयीन लागी आसचे ल्हान व्हाड गांवचें हजारों तर्नाटे आनी बायलांक घरांत बसून बीडी बांदूचाक तांगेले घराक कच्चा माल धाडचे मूलक उद्योग सृष्टी केली. हेंच मुखार इतर असले उद्यमाक प्रेरणदायक जालें. तागेले ग्रामीण उद्योगावकाशाचे परिकल्पना प्रशंसनीय जालें.
आयज हो संस्थयाक 115 वरस जालें आनी ह्या संसथ्या खाल काम करचे इतर संस्थेंत प्रत्यक्ष आनी परोक्ष रूपार हजारो लोकांक उद्योगाक अवकाश लाभला. मुळावे शिक्षण नातल्यारीय समाजाचे उद्धारा खातीर आपण्याले बुद्वंतकाय वापरन सामाजीक, आर्थीक, सांस्कृतीक, आध्यात्मीक आनी धार्मीक विश्वास केलां. तागेले दूरदर्शीत्वान आनी उदारतेन खूब लोकांक उद्योग दीवन जनमानसांत एक व्यक्ती पेक्षा एक संस्थो जावन तांगेले कुटुंबाक आधार जावन उरला.

Puttu Vaikuntha Shet

Puttu Vaikuntha Shet was a philanthropist, social worker and founder of famous P.V.S. Beedies, Mangalore. Honesty, hard work and visionary ideas led the small business into big industry.
Being a man of independent spirit and bold ideas and firm conviction, he ventured his independent business enterprise by starting a petty shop in the year 1906. Simultaniously made a humble beginning of beedi manufacture to help lazy and idle relatives and friends, which became a growing industry in the South Kanara District. In those days the raw materials for the manufacture of beedies had to be procured from far away, facing all the problem of poor transport facilities. He gave employment to thousands of men and women by providing the materials to manufacture the beedies at their doorsteps during their liesure. This inspired others to start similar industries many years later. Puttu Pai became a pioneer in beedi industry and was hailed for his concept of providing rural employment opportunities.
Today 115 years later, the foresight and vision of Puttu Pai culminated into a growing organisation P.V.S. Beedies (P) Ltd, which is providing employment to thousands of people directly and indirectly in the establishments dependent on this Parent Organisation. Though bereft of formal education, his wisdom and vision of upliftment of social, economic, cultural, spiritual and religious activities irrespective of any faith, besides extending munfience to all deserving causes, hailed him as an institution rather than mere individual.