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Panje Mangesh Rao




पंजे मंगेश राव

पंजे मंगेश राव, सरळ सज्जन, उद्धाम पंडीत, कवी साहिती, संशोधक, शिक्षणक्षेत्राचो एक विचारांत प्रयोगशील व्यक्ती दक्षिण कन्नड जिल्हाचो बंटवाळ गांवांत 22-2-1874 इसवेंत जल्मलो. चित्रापुर सारस्वत ब्राह्मण समुदायाचे रामप्पय्य श्यानभाग आनी शांता दुर्गा याने सिताबायी दंपतिले सुपुत्र. पंजेन तागेले प्राथमीक शिक्षण बंटवाळांत घेतलें. तागेलें एल.टि. पदवी शिक्षण मद्रासांत जालें. उप्रांत शिक्षक जावनु वृत्ती करतच ताणे बि.ए. पदवी जोडली. त्या नंतर ताणे मंगळूराचे सरकारी कॉलेजांत सहायक अध्यापक जावन आशीलो.

साहित्य कृती
पंजे मंगेश राव कोंकणी आनी कन्नड दोन भाशेंतय पंडीत, कवी, साहिती आनी संशोधक जावनु आशिलो. कवन, प्रबंध, नाटक, भाशांतर कृती, भुरग्यां खातीर यमकपद्य रचन केलां. कन्नडांत पयले पावटी मोटवी काणी बरयिली ख्याती पंजे मंगेश रावाक मेळता. भुरग्यां खातीर बरयिलें कन्नड पद्या पयकी नागर हावे हावोळु हुवे, घंटेय नेंटने ओ गडियार, बण्णद तगडिन तुत्तूरी, मिनुगु मिनुगेले नक्षत्र, वोडेम्माले काणियो इत्यादी खूब जनप्रिय जावनसात.
नन्न चिक्क तायि, नन्न चिक्क तंदे, नन्न चिक्क तंदेय उयिलु, कमलपुरद होट्लिनल्ली, भारत श्रवण, वैद्यर वोग्गरणे, नन्न हेंडति, इत्यादी ल्हान काणियो बरयल्यात. दुर्गावति, वीरमाते, शैलिनी आनी प्रथुल ऐतिहासिक काणियो खूब जनप्रिय आसून 8 पावटी मुद्रण जालेंती. भीष्म निर्वाण, चंद्रोदय, लक्षमीश कवी, कमल, कब्बिणद बुद्धिवाद, परीक्षेयल्लि पराजितनाद विद्यार्थिय प्रलाप – पद्य आनी गद्य कृती जावनसात. हल्लि, बंदळिके यें दोन ताणे बरयिलें प्रबंध कृती.

मान – सम्मान
नवोदय साहिती, ल्हान काणियेचो पितामह म्हळालो बिरुदु पंजेक आस. तो रायचूरांत जालेले अखील भारत कन्नड सम्मेळन्नाचो अध्यक्ष जावन आशिलो (1934). मैसूर आनी मद्रास विश्वविद्यालयाचे व्यासंग निर्णय मंडळींत पंजे एक सांदो जावन आशीलो.

Panje Mangesh Rao

Panje Mangesh Rao was born on 24th February 1874 in Bantwal, Dakshina Kannada District. He belongs to Chitrapur Sarasvat community. Ramappayya Shanbhag and Shantadurga alias Seethabai were his parents. He persued his primary education in Bantwal. He took his L.T. degree in Madras and joined as a teacher in school. Later he completed his B.A. degree and got a Teacher’s diploma as well. He joined as aassistant lecturer in Government College, Mangalore

Literary Works
Panje Mangesh Rao was a great scholar of Kannada and Konakni language. He has written poems, short stories, historical stories, essays and rhymes for children. His famous rhymes are Nagara have havolu huve, Bannada tagadina tutturi, ghanteya nentane o gadiyara, Minugele minugele nakshatra (kannada version of twinkle twinkle little star). Nanna chikka tayi, Nanna chikka tande, Nanna chikka tandeya uyilu, Kamalapurada Hotlinalli, Bharata Bhravana, Vaidyara Voggarane, Nanna Hendati, Vodemmale Kaniyo (grandma’s stories), were his famaous short stories. Durgavati, Veeramate, Shailini, Prathula were Famous historical stories republished about 8 times. In prose and poetry section Bheeshma Nirvana, Chandrodaya, Lakshmeesha Kavi, Kamala, Kabbinada Buddhivada, Pareeksheyalli Parajitanada Vidyarthiya Pralapa etc are famous. Halli and Bandalike are his essays.

Panje Mangesh Rao was honoured with Navodaya sahiti and Lhan kaniyecho pitamaha(father of short stories). He was also honoured as a president of All India Kannada conference held at Raichur. He was the one of the Students Study committee of Madras and Mysore University.