पद्मनाभ गोपालकृष्ण कामत एक शिक्षक, शिक्षणतज्ञ, बहुभाशा पंडीत, भाशांतरकार आनी नामनेचो कवी जावनशिलो. युव पीळगेक तो सदांच एक फुडारी आनी मार्गदर्शी जावनशीलो. तो 1926 इसवींत केरळ राज्याचे तुरावूर गांवांत जल्मलो. बापय तरवूर गांवच्या पद्मनाभ कामत आनी आवय पुत्तमाम्माळ. तागेले शिक्षण गांवचे टि.डि. शाळेंत आनी देवळाचे पाठशाळेंत संस्कृताचें पठण जालें.
वृत्ती जीवन
शास्त्र विषयांत पदवी जोडिल्ले उप्रांत ताणे शिक्षक वृत्ती आपणायली आनी बि.टि. परीक्षा जिंखली. त्या खातीर ताका नागोजीराव भांगरा पदक लाभलें. उप्रांत बनारस हिंदू विद्यापीठांतल्यान हिंदींत एम.ए पदवी जोडली. ह्या कालांत पाली, प्राकृत, अपभ्रंश आदी प्राचीन भाशांनीय ताणे प्रावीण्य जोडलें. केरळ सर्काराचे सेवेंत एक पदवीधर शिक्षक जावन वेगवेगळे स्थराचेर 33 वरस सुदीर्घ सेवा दिल्या. ताणे रामवर्मापुरम हिंदी शिक्षण संस्थेंत प्राचार्य आसताना केरळांतले हिंदी शिक्षण रंगाक खूब देणगी दिल्या. ताणे लेखक आनी भाशांतरकार म्हणून नांव जोडलां. अन्य भाषा शिक्षणपुस्तक बरयलां. फणीश्वरनाथ रेणूले मैला आंचल (मलयाळम), डा. हजारीप्रसाद द्विवेदीलें साहित्य का मर्म (मलयाळम), स्वामी रंगनाथानंदालें प्रभाशणा, गीता प्रभाशाण (मलयाळम), पद्मश्री र.वी. पंडितालें भुरग्यालें जग (हिंदी), संत पूंतानमालें ज्ञानपाना (कोंकणी), बुद्धाले धम्मपद (मलयाळम), विकी कोलीन्साले ईंग्लीष कादंबरी (मलयाळम), एड्गर ऍलन पोलें डिटेक्टीव कादंबरी (मलयाळम), इत्यादी कृती मलयाळम, कोंकणी, हिंदी भाशेक अणकार केल्यात. “लिपी- एक शास्त्रीय चिंतन” (2 आवृत्ती) तागेले महत्वाचे कोंकणी कृती इंग्लीष भाशेक अणकार जल्या. काव्यविश्व (दोन संग्रह), पवळी, ओळख कवन संग्रह प्रकट केलां.
मान सम्मान
पद्मनाभ कामताक खूब सन्मान लाभल्यात. तो केरळ कोंकणी साहित्य अकाडेमी चो अध्यक्ष जावनशीलो. केंद्रीय साहित्य अकाडेमी कोंकणी सल्लागार समीती सांदो, सुकृतींद्र प्राच्यविद्या संशोधन संस्थेचो कोंकणी विभागाचो सांदो जावनशीलो. अखील भारतीय कोंकणी साहित्य परिषदेचो गोंयांत घडलेले अखील भारत कोंकणी सम्मेळनाचो अध्यक्ष आशीलो (2003). केंद्रीय साहित्य अकाडेमी तरफेन 2000 इसवींत गोंयांत “मीट द ऑथर” कार्यक्रम कामताले सन्मानार्थ घडोवन हाडला. कोचीचे वेंकटेश सेव समितीचो सक्रीय प्रवर्तक आनी गांवचे सहकारी समितीचो अध्यक्ष आशीलो. हिंदी मोग्यानीं तागेले नांवार निधी स्थापन करून प्रती वरस हिंदी शिक्षण परीक्षेंत पयले येवपी विद्यार्थींक प्रदान करतात.
Padmanabha Gopalkrishna Kamath was a revered teacher, Konkani poet, multilingual translator, educationist and scholar of sevral languages from Thuravoor, Kerala. His contribution to each and every field of his activity was noble. He pioneered and set samples and targets for the younger generation. He was both a trailblazer and a pathfinder. He was born in 1926 to Sri Padmanabh Kamath and Puthamammal in Thuravoor,Kerala. He had his regular education at the local T.D. School and studied Sanskrit at the Temple Pathashala.
After graduating in Science, he took to teaching and won distinction in the teaching of English and Science at the B.T. examination for which he was awarded the Nagoji Rao Gold Medal in 1949. Later he took M.A. in Hindi from the Benarus Hindu University. Meanwhile, he studied languages such as Pali, Prakrit and the Apabhramsa also. He entered the Kerala Government Service as a trained graduate teacher and after a long and sincere service of 33 years he retired as the Hindi education officer of Kerala in 1981. He has also served as Principal of Ramavarmapuram Hindi Training Institute. He introduced modern techniques of evaluation in Hindi and the SSLC question paper in Hindi evolved by him was considered a pace setter. He was a well-known writer and translator even in his younger days and has several books to his credit. His translations are vast and varied – 1) Maila Anchal (Malayalam translation of Hindi novel by Phanishwaranath Renu) 2) Sahitya ka Marma (Malayalam translation of Hindi Essays by Dr Hazari prasad Dwivedi), 3) Eternal Values for a changing Society (Malayalam translation of Vol. 1 of the lectures by Swami Ranganathananda) 4) Konkani translation of Swamiji’s Gita Lectures, 5)Hindi Translation of Padma shri R.V.Pandit’s Bhurgyalo Jag, 6) Konkani translation of Poonthanam’s Malayalam poem Jnanapana, 7) Malayalam translation of Sri Budha’s Dharmapada, 8) Malayalam translation of Wiki Collins’ English novel 9) Malayalam translation of Edgar Allan Poe’s detective novel . His significant Konkani work titled LIPI – Ek Sastriya Chintan has not only been reprinted but also translated into English. His poetry is found in 2 anthologies – Povllim and Ollokh. Almost all of his remaining poetical works in Konkani were compiled in the posthumous anthology titled Ollokh.
Awards and Recognition
Kamath’s book Anya Bhasha Shikshan won him a central Govt Award in 1972. Kerala Hindi lovers founded the P.G.Kamath Puraskar Nidhi, which gives two annual cash awards named “P.G.Kamath Puraskar” to the teacher trainees scoring highest marks at the Hindi Training Course conducted by the Govt. of Kerala. He was chairman of Kerala Konkani Academy (1985-2001), Member of the konkani Advisory board of Central Sahitya Academy (1998-2002), Member of the Advisory Board to the School of Konkani Studies under Sukratindra Oriental Research Institute. He was president of the 16th All India Konkani Sahitya Sammelan held in Goa (2003) organised by All India Konkani Parishad. The Central Sahitya Akademi conducted its Meet the Author programme in his honour at Panaji, Goa (2000)