नारायण गणेश चंदावरकर स्वातंत्र पूर्व भारताचे राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेसाचे नेता आनी समाज सुधारक आशीलो. 02-12-1855 इसवेंत होन्नावरांत जल्मलो. 1881 इस्वींत कानून पदवी जोडलें. नेशनल कोंग्रेस स्थापन जाल्या उप्रांत इंग्लॅंडाक उच्छ शिक्षण खातीर धाडले~ल्या तीन प्रतिनिधी पयकी चंदावरकर एक जावन आसल्लो. भारताक आयिल्या उप्रांत ताणे राजकीयांत प्रवेश केलो.
वृत्ती जीवन
चंदावरकर मुंबय विश्वविद्यानिलयाचो कुलपती जावन आसल्लो. 1900 इसवींत भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेसाचो अध्यक्ष जालो. एक वरसा उप्रांत ताका बॉंबे हायकोर्टाक बड्ती मेळून 12 वरस राजकीय सोडून समाज सेवा आनी न्यायालयीन वावरांत मग्न जालो. प्रार्थना समाज, ब्रह्म समाजाक मेळून समाज सुधारक जावन ताणे काम केलां. 1914 इसवींत परत भारतीय राजकारणांत प्रवेश करता. कांग्रेसांतलें मतभेद निमीत कोंग्रेस दोन भाग जालें. चंदावरकर ऑल इंडिया मोडरेट्स कॉनफ़रेन्साचो मुखेली जालो (1918). तो हंटर कमिटी विरुद्ध प्रतिभटना पंगडाचो अध्यक्ष जावन आसल्लो. (1920).
Narayan chandavarkar was a Politician, an early Indian National Congress leader and social reformer. He was born on 2nd December 1855 in Honnavar. He persued his education in Law. Shortly before the Indian National Congress was founded in 1885, Chandavarkar went to England as a member of the three man delegation. The group was sent to educate public opinion about India’s right before general elections took place in England. After return from England he threw himself whole heartedly into the work of the Indian National Congress.
Chandavarkar was the Vice Chancellor of the University of Bombay. He was elected as the president of the Indian National Congress in 1900. one year later he was promoted to Bombay High Court. He took a break from politics for 12 years and devoted his time to the judicial system and various social groups till 1913. The main two social groups are Prarthana Samaj and Brahmo Samaj and involved in the modernization of Hindu Society. Chandavarkar returned to the realm of Indian politics in 1914. A schism in the congress in 1918 lead to separate the organization into two camps. Chandavarkar became the head of the All India Moderates Confernce in 1918. In 1920 he presided over the public meeting to protest against Hunter committee.