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Melvyn Rodrigues



मेल्विन रोड्रिगस

मेल्विन रोड्रिगस कोंकणी साहिती, प्रबंधकार, विमर्शक, भाषणकार, पत्रिकोद्यमी आनी कोंकणी वावराडी जावनस. तो कविता ट्रस्टाचो स्थापक जावनस. तो मंगळूराचे दायजी वर्ल्ड माध्यमाचे व्यवहारीक निर्देशक जावानस. मेल्विन 08-07-1962 इसवेंत मंगळूराचे देरेबैलांत जल्मलो. चार्ल्स आनी तेरेस रोड्रिगस तागेले बापय आनी आवय जावनसात तागेले शिक्षण होलि फ़ेमिली हायर प्रैमरी शाळा, देरेबैल, पादुवा हायस्कूल, सांत लुवीस कोलेज आनी बि.बि.एम. पदवी एस.डि.एम. कोलेज, मंगळूरांत जालें. ताणे सोशालजींत स्नातकोत्तर पदवी मैसूर विश्वविद्यानिलय थावन जोडलें.

वृत्ती जीवन
दुबायींत साभार वरस वावर केल्या उप्रांत ताणे मंगळुरांत येवन कोंकणी भाशे खातीर खूब वावर केलां. कोंकणी भाशा मंडल, कला संपत संस्थेचो कार्यदर्शि जावनशीलो. कोंकणी कवनांक पालव दिवपा खतीर म्हालगाडो कवी चा.फ़्रा. डिकोस्टा सांगात मेळून ज़ागे कवी आंदोलन आरंभ केलें. चा. फ़्रा आनी एरिक ओज़ारियो सांगात मेळोन मांड सोभाण संस्थॊ स्थापन केलो. कोंकणी बरोवपींचो संघ दायजी दुबायचो सह स्थापक जावनशीलो. ताणे बरयिलें साभार कवनां कन्नड, इंग्लीष, पंजाबी, हिंदी आनी अरेबीक भाशेक भाशांतर जालां. तागेले थोडे कवन मंगळूर, गोवा आनी कर्नाटक विश्वविद्यानिलयाचे पठ्य पुस्तकांत स्थान पावलां. ताणे साभार कवन संकलन प्रकट केलां. त्या पयकी देवी निंकासी, विंच्णार कविता, प्रकृतीचो पास, वाट, फ़िंतां, मोगापेळो, प्रमुख जावनसात. ताणे साभार भाशांतर आनी पुस्तक संपादन केलां. ताणे 2006 इसवींत ’दिनि दिनी’ नांवांचो संगीता आलबम मोक्ळीक केलां. ताणे 2006 इसवींत कविता ट्रस्ट स्थापन केलें. त्या ट्रस्ट मुखांतर दर वरस कविता फ़ेस्त, एंडोमेंट लेक्चर, कोंकणी कविता प्रकाशन, विद्यार्थीं खातीर अखील भारत कोंकणी कविता स्पर्धो, युवांक आनी भुरग्यांक कविता वाचन स्पर्धो मांडोवन हाडतात. मेल्वीन झेलो आनी मित्र पत्रिकेचो सह-संपादक जावनस. कविता.कोम जाळीजागेचो संपादक जावनस.

मान सम्मान
मेल्वीनाक तागेले कोंकणी साहित्या वावराक साभार प्रशस्ती लाभलां. तागेले देवी निंकासी कवन संकलनाक विमला वि. पै विश्वकोंकणी प्रशस्ती लाभलां (2016). दायजी दुबाय प्रशस्ती (2016), पांडुरंग भांगि बिंब प्रशस्ती (2015), प्रकृतीचो पास कवन संकलनाक साहित्य अकाडेमी पुरस्कार (2012), कर्नाटक कोंकणी साहित्य अकाडेमी थावन गौरव प्रशस्ती, डा. टि.एम.ए. पै फ़ौंडेशन थावन प्रकृतीचो पास कवन संकलनाक उत्तम कोंकणी पुस्तक प्रशस्ती, कोंकणी भाशा मंडल प्रशस्ती आनी हेर प्रशस्ती लाभलां. तो गोवा, कानकोणांत जालेल्या 24वे अखील भारत कोंकणी साहित्य सम्मेळनाचो अध्यक्ष जावनशीलो.

Melvyn Rodrigues

Melvyn Rodrigues is a Konkani poet, essayist, critic, orator and Konkani language activist. He is a founder of Kavita Trust. He is Operating director at Daijiworld Media, Mangalore. Melvyn Rodrigues was born at derebail, Mangalore on 08-07-1962. Charles and Theresa Rodrigues were his parents. He had his education in Holy Family Higher Primary School, Derebail, Padua High School, St. Aloysius College and completed B.B.M. in S.D.M. College, Mangalore. He persued his M.A in Sociology from Mysore University.

After working in Dubai for many years, he returned to Mangalore and started to work for Konkani language. He served as secretary of Konkani Bhasha Mandal and Kala Sampath. Started ‘Zage Kavi’ movement along with Cha. Fra. D’costa to promote Konkani poetry. Founded ‘Mandd Sobhann’ along with Cha. Fra. and Eric Ozario. He is co-founder of Daiji Dubai, Forum of Konkani writers in the U.A.E. His poems have been translated into Kannada, English, Hindi, Punjabi and Arabic. Mangalore University, Goa and Karnataka state have selected his poems for the Konkani school & college books. “Devi Ninkasi, Vinchannar Kavita, Prikriticho Paas, Vatt, Mogapelo” were his famous published collections of poem. He also published novels, translation works, essays and anthology books. He has released his independent music album Dini Dini in 2006. He conducted several activities through Kavita Trust to promote Konkani poetry such as – yearly Endowment lecture, Kavita Fest, Konkani Publications, All India Konkani poetry writing competetions for students, All India poetry reciting competetion for youth and children. He is sub-editor of the Konkani magazines Mithr and Jhelo. He is editor of the website www.kavita.com.

Awards and Recognition
Melvyn has been conferred with several awards for his contribution to Konkani Literature, including Smt Vimala V. Pai Vishwa Konkani Poetry Award for Devi Ninkasi (2016), Daiji Dubai Award (2016), FKCA Award(2013), Sahitya Akademi Award for Prikriticho Paas (2012), Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy Honorary Award for literature (2010), Dr. TMA Pai Foundation Best Konkani Book Award (2009), Konkani Bhasha Mandal, Goa. He was President of 24th All India Konkani Sahitya Sammelan held at Cancona, Goa (2019).