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Margaret Alva



मार्गरेट आळ्वा

मार्गरेट आळ्वा भारताचे प्रमुख राजकारणी, राजस्थान, गुजराथ, गोवा आनी उत्तरखंड राज्याचे गवर्नर जावनशीली. भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेसाचे म्हालगडी सांदो जावनस. ती 14-04-1942 इसवेंत क्रैस्त समुदायाचे पि.ए.नज़्रेत आनी इ.एल.नज़्रेताची धूव जावन मंगळूरांत जल्मली. तीणे बि.ए., एल.एल.बि. शिक्षण बेंगळूरांत जोडलें.

वृत्ती जीवन
मार्गरेटान वकीली वृत्ती सांगत यंग वुमन्स क्रिस्चन असोसियेशनाचे अध्यक्ष जावनशीली. करुणा म्हळेले खासगी संस्थे खातीर काम करतली. 1969 इसवींत ती कांग्रेस पक्षाचे कर्नाटक विभागाचे सहकार्यदर्शी उप्रांत कर्नाटक प्रदेष कांग्रेस कमिटीचे कार्यदर्शी जावनशीली. 1974 इसवींत कांग्रेस पक्ष दाकून राज्यसभा सदस्य जाली. उप्रांत परत तीन पावटी 6 वरसाचे अवधीक ती चुनायीत जाली (1980,1986,1992). 1984-85 ती संसदीय व्यवहार मंत्री, उप्रांत युव आनी क्रीडा, महिला आनी शिशु कल्याण, मानव संपन्मूल विभाग खाल तीणे सांबाळलें. 1999 इसवींत पयले पावटी उत्तर कन्नड जिल्ला थावन लोकसभेक वेंचून आयली. 2004 आनी 2009 चुनावणॆंत ती सोल्वली. त्या कालांत तीणे अखील भारत कांग्रेस कमिटीचे कार्यदर्शी जावन वावरकेलें. 2009 इसवींत ती पयली महिळा गवर्नर जावन उत्तराखंड राज्याक नियुक्त जाली. उप्रांत राजस्थानाचे गवर्नर जावन आशिली.

मान सम्मान
मार्गरेटाक तिगेले साधने खातीर खूब प्रशस्ती लाभलां. मैसूर विश्वविद्यानिलय थावन गौरव डोक्टरेट लाभलां. महिळ शिरोमणी, राजीव गांधी एक्सलेन्स प्रशस्ती (1991), डा. टि.एम.ए. पै फ़ौंडेशना थावन नांवाड्दीक कोंकणी मनीस (1991), अंतराष्ट्रीय नेल्सन मंडेला प्रशस्ती (2006) इत्यादी पुरस्कार लाभलां.

Margaret Alva

Margaret Alva is an Indian politician who was the governor of Rajasthan, Gujarath, Goa and Uttarakhand state. She was a senior member in the Indian national congress and was Joint Secretary of All India Congress Committee. She was born on 14-04-1942 in a christian family in Mangalore. P.A.Nazret and E.LNazret were her parents. She obtained her degree BA, LLB in Bangalore.

Margaret worked as an advocate with involvement in welfare organisations. She was president of Young Women’s Christian Association. She was also involved with Karuna NGO. She served as Joint Secretary of the All India Congress Committee between 1975-77 and as General Secretary of the Karnataka Pradesha Congress Committee between 1978-80. From 1974, for 4 terms She served as a Rajya Sabha member as a representative of Congress. During that time she served terms as union Minister of State in the Ministries for parliamentry Affairs (1991 & 1993-96) and for Youth and Sports, women and Child Development, an arm of the Ministry of Human Resource Development. She was elected to the 13th Lok Sabha as a member of Parliament in 1999 from Uttara Kannada Constituency. In 2009 She became first female Governor of Uttarakhand and in 2012 appointed as Governor of Rajasthan.

Margaret was honoured with honorary doctorate by Mysore University. She received Rajeev Gandhi Excellency Award (1991), Mahila Shiromani (1991), Outstanding Konkani Personality Award from Dr. T.M.A. Pai Foundation, International Nelson Mandela Award 2006.