साहित्य कुशलन म्हणून बिरुद आशिलो एम. शेषगिरी प्रभु संस्कृत आनी मलयाळम भाशेचो विद्वांस जावनशीलो. तो केरळ राज्याचे तल्लिचेरी गांवांत जल्मलो. तागेले असाध्य बुध्वंतकाये निमीत तागेले सेकेंडरी शिक्षण इंग्लीष माध्यमांत जालें. मेट्रिक्युलेशानंत बरो अंक जोडून ताणे एफ़.ए. परीक्षेंत जोडीले अंक बरो दाखल जलो.
वृत्ती जीवन
एफ़.ए. पदवी जोडले उप्रांत शेषगिरी प्रभुन तल्लिचेरीचे शाळेंत मलयळम आनी इंग्लीष भाशेचे शिक्षक जावन वृत्ती आरंभ केलें. त्याच वेळार ताणे तेल्लिचेरीचे कोलेजांत संस्कृत आनी इतिहासांत बि.ए. पदवी जोडलें. 1892 इसवींत ताका डेप्युटी डैरेक्टर ऑफ़ स्कूल्स म्हणून नेम्हणूक जालें. उप्रांत ताका मंगळुराचे सरकारी महविद्यालयांत उपन्यासक जावन नेम्हणूक जालें. तणे 1903 इसवींत स्नातकॊत्तर पदवी जोडली. ताका राजमंड्रीचे तरबेत विद्यालयांत उप प्रांशुपाल जावन वर्ग जालें. 1914 इसवींत तागेले निवृत्ती नंतर ताणे कोचीचे टि.डि. स्कूलाचो मुखेल अध्यापक जावन वावरकेलें. ताणे मद्रास विश्वविद्यानिलयाचे शिक्षण समितीचो सांदो जावन संस्कृत आनी मलयाळ्म भाशेचो वावर केलां. तो अ्गाध गिन्यानी, व्याकरण पंडीत आनी समाज सुधारक म्हणून फामाद जाला. तागेले पयले कृती पार्वती परिणयम 1888 इसवींत प्रकट जालें. नागानंदम, वत्सराज चरितम, वेदव्यासन, व्याकरण मित्रम, व्याकरणामृतम, व्याकरण दर्शनम, बाल व्याकरणम, सिसु मोदकम ताणे प्रकट केलेले प्रमुख कृतियो. ताणे कोंकणी भाशे इतिहास विषयांत सरणी लेखन बरोवन प्रकट केलां. ताणे बरयीलें ”कोंकणी ब्राह्मणर’ लेखन रसिक रंजनी आनी सारस्वत बोधिनी म्हळेले मासीक पत्रिकेंत प्रकट जालां. ताणे कोंकणी म्हण्यो, प्राथमीक व्याकरण, आनी कोंकणी शब्दकोश संपादन केलां. गौड सारस्वत ब्राह्मणालें सात दिसाचे लग्नाक तो विरोध करतालो आनी ह्या विषयांत मंगळूरांत घडलेले अखील भारत जि.एस.बी. सम्मेळनांत भाशण दिलां. ताणे रिग्वेदीय विवाह प्रयोगम म्हळेलें सरळ विवाह पुस्तक बरयलां. ताणे वेद शिक्षण दिवचे खातीर तलचेरींत वेदवेदांग पाठशाला स्थापन केलां. तो तलचेरी देवळांत धार्मीक प्रवचन दितालो. ताणे बरयिलें केरळा पाणिनीयम म्हळेलें विमर्शात्मक कृतीक मलयाळम विद्वांसाले आदर आनी तोखणे लाभलां.
मान सम्मान
शेषगिरीन मलयाळम भाशा साहित्याक दिलेले देणगे खातीर कोची रायान ‘साहित्य कुशलन’ बिरुद आनी भांगरा पदक दीवन मान केला.
M. Sheshagiri Prabhu was a scholar in Malayalam and Sanskrit language. He was born in Tellichery, Kerala State. He was extra ordinary bright from childhood and hence was allowed to have secondary school education through English medium, Calicut. He passed matriculation with distinction. Subsequently he passed the F.A. examination with record marks.
After Passing F.A., Sheshagiri took to teaching first Malayalam and then English. While at Brennan College High School in Tellichery he took B.A. degree in History and Sanskrit. He was appointed the Deputy Director of Schools in 1892. Subsequently he got lecturer post in Govt College, Mangalore. In 1903, he took his M.A. degree. He was transferd to Rajmundry as Vice Principal of the Training College. After his retirement in 1914, he did further tenure as the Head Master of the TD School of Kochi. He had also served as a member of the curriculam committee under the Madras University, for Malayalam and Sanskrit Language. He was renowned profound scholar, grammarian and social reformer. His first literary work was Parvathy parinayam published in 1888. His other major works are Naganandam, Vatsaraja Charitam, Vedavyasan, Vyakarana Mitram, Vyakaranamrutam, Vyakarana Darshanam, Bala Vyakaranam, Sisumodakam. He had written a series of articles on the history and language of the Konkanis of Kerala titled ‘Konkani Brahmanar’ in the monthly, Rasika Ranjini and also appeared in Saraswatha Bodhini monthly. He also compiled the collection of Konkani proverbs, a basic grammar and Vocabulary of Konkani Language. He had mastered the vedas and started veda Vedanga Pathashala in Tellichery. He used to give religious discourse at SLN Temple. At the All India GSB Parishad at Mangalore, he spoke about neccessity of simplifying the seven day long marriage rituals. Later he brought out the book Rigveda Vivaha Prayogam. His detailed authoriative and critical review on the Kerala Panineeyam was highly admired and respected by all malayalam Scholars.
Sheshagiri Prabhu was honoured in recognition of his valuable contribution to Malayalam language and the title ‘Sahitya Kusalan’ was conferred on him along with gold medal by the Maharaja of Kochi.