कल्संका कमलाक्ष पै सिंडिकेट बॅंकाचो अध्यक्ष आनी मणिपाल अकाडेमी ऑफ़ जनरल एजुकेशनाचो रेजिस्ट्रार जावनशीलो. भारताचे बॅंकींग क्षेत्रांत असदृश साधन केलालो व्यक्ती के.के. पै. तो 1921, जून 26 तारीकेक उडुपींत जल्मलो. बापय वेंकट्राय पै आनी आवय सुंदरी. ताणे बि.कॉम. पदवी मुंबयचे सिड्नेम कॉलेज ऑफ़ कोमर्स एंड इकोनोमिक्सांत जोडलें.
वृत्ती जीवन
पदवी शिक्षण जोडल्या उप्रांत के.के. पै त्याच कॉलेजांत स्नातकोत्तर पदवी करच्याक प्रवेश घेता. परंतु कॉलेजाचे प्रिन्सिपालाले शिफारसा निमीत सिंडिकेट बॅंकाचे मुंबय शाखेंत अधिकारी जावन वृत्ती आरंभ केलें. ताणे तागेले वृत्ती जीवनांत विदेशी विनिमय आनी इतर आडळिताक संबंध पावीले तरबेत भारतांत आनी विदेशांत घेतलें. 1972 इसवींत तो सिंडिकेट बॅंकाचो अध्यक्ष आनी आडळीत निर्देशक जालो. तागेले अध्यक्षपणांत बॅंक देश विदेशांत ख्यात जालें. बॅंकाचो शाखो वाडलो. निरुद्योग निवारणे खातीर ताणे 14000 युवक आनी युवतींक उद्योग दिला. तशेंच स्व-उद्योग खातीर युवजनांक तरबेत आणी रीण दिवच्याक बॅंका थावन योवजण केलें. के.के. पै 5 वरस उडुपी नगरसभेचो अध्यक्ष जावन आशीलो. तागेले अध्यक्षपणार सिंडिकेट बॅंकाचे स्वर्ण महोत्सवाचे उडगासाक गोल्डन जुबिली हॉल मणिपालांत बांदयलें. तागेले अवधींत सिंडिकेट बॅंकाक राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार लाभलां. के.के. पै आपले आवय भास कोंकणी खातीर खूब वावर करतालो. तो कोंकणी भास आनी सांस्कृतीक प्रतिष्ठानाचो अध्यक्ष जावनशीलो.
मान सम्मान
के.के. पै सिंडिकेट बेंकाचो अध्यक्ष आशिले कालार बेंकाक साभार राष्ट्रीय आनी अंतराष्ट्रीय प्रशस्ती ला्भल्या. तो साभार संस्थेचो अध्यक्ष जावनशीलो. त्या पयकी दक्षीण कन्नड सहकारी सक्करे कारखानेचो अध्यक्ष, सिंडिकेट कृशी प्रतिष्ठानाचो अध्यक्ष, टि.एम.ए. पै फ़ौंडेशनाचो अध्यक्ष, मणिपालाचे टि.ए. पै मेनेजमेंट संस्थेचो आडळीत मंडळीचो अध्यक्ष, भारतीय विद्याभवन उडुपी-मणिपाल केंद्राचो अध्यक्ष प्रमुख जावनसात. अखील भारत काशी मठ कल्याण निधीचो कार्यदर्शी जावनशीलो. एप्रील 5, 2008 इसवींत नवी दिलींत जालेल्या कन्नड सम्मेळनाचो अध्यक्ष जावनशीलो. तो आइ.सि.डि.एस. नियमिताचो निर्देशक जावनशीलो.
Kalsanka Kamalaksha Pai fondly called as K.K. Pai was a banker, Chairman of Syndicate Bank and Registrar of Manipal Academy of General Education. He was born on 26th June, 1921 to Venkatraya anda Sundari in Udupi. He completed his B.Com. degree from Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai.
After completing B.Com. degree, K.K. Pai was selected for M.Com. course. But destiny had different designs. It landed him in Syndicate Bank. K.K. Pai was appointed as officer to work in Bombay Branch. During his service, he was exposed to all the fields of banking like foriegn exchange, advances, personal administration, etc. and underwent several trainings both in India and abroad. He became the Chairman and Managing Director of the bank in 1972. During his tenure number of branches steaply increased and spread all over India. As a chairman of bank he gave employment to more than 14000 youngmen and women. He was powerful supporter of self-employment by providing practical training to start the business to the educated youth and financial help through bank loan scheme. K.K. Pai had the privilege of being the Chairman to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the bank. To mark the memorable occasion, Golden Jubilee Hall was constructed at Manipal. During his tenure bank won several National Awards. He functioned as Udupi muncipal councillor for 14 years and president for 5 years. He was actively involved with the spreading of Konkani language and culture. He was president of Konkani Bhas and Samskrutika Pratishthana.
Syndicate Bank has won several National and International Awards during the tenure of K.K. Pai. He was president of Dakshina Kannada Sahakari Sakkare Karkhane, President of Syndicate Krushi Pratishthana, President of Dr. T.M.A. Pai Foundation, President of Bharatiya Vidyabhavana, Udupi-Manipal Center, Secretary of Kashi Math Welfare Fund. He was director of ICDS Ltd.