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K. V. Kamath




पद्मभूशण कुंदापुर वामन कामताक सामन्य जावनु के.वि. कामत म्हणून आपयतात. के.वि.कामत 2 डिसेंबर 1947 इस्वींत मंगळूरांत जल्मलो. बापय विश्वनाथ कामत आनि आवय उमा कामत. तो न्यू डेवलपमेंट बॅंक ऑफ़ ब्रिक्साचे माजी अध्यक्ष जावनशीलो. इन्फ़ोसीस कंपनिचो अध्यक्ष जावनशीलो. ICICI बॅंकाचो अध्यक्ष आनी आडळीत निर्देशक जावनु आशिलो. तागेले शिक्षण इंजिनीयरिंग NITK, सुरत्कल आनी IIM- A अह्मदाबादांत स्नातकोत्तर मेनेज्मेंट पदवी जाले.

वृत्ती जीवन
1971 इसवींत IIM- A अह्मदाबादांत स्नातकोत्तर मेनेज्मेंट पदवी घेतिले उप्रांत ICICI मेळनु वृत्ती जीवन आरंभ केलें. वेग्वेगळे विभागांत काम केलें. आर्थीक संस्थेंत तांत्रज्ञान वापरलेले कीर्ती ताका फावो जाता. 1988 इसवींत, मनीलाचे एशियन डेवलपमेंट बॅंकाक मेळो. त्या वेळार चीना, इंडोनेशिया, फिलिप्पायन्स, बांग्लादेश आनी वियेट्नामाक व्यवहारा खातीर भेट दिल्या. 1996 इसवींत तो परत ICICI आडळीत निर्देशक जावनु मेळनु ताजो व्यवहार देशव्यापी वाड्यलो. 2011 इसवींत इन्फ़ोसीस लिमिटेड संस्थेचो स्वतंत्र निर्देशक जालो. 2014 इसवींत न्यू डेवलपमेंट बॅंक ऑफ़ ब्रिक्साचे अध्यक्ष जालो.
कामत साभार शिक्षण संस्थेंत आडळीत मंडळीचो सांदो जावन आस. मुख्य जावनु IIM- A अह्मदाबाद, इंडियन स्कूल ऑफ़ ब्युसिनेस, नेशनल इन्स्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ बॅंक मेनेजमेंट, पंडीत दीनदयाल पेट्रोलियम युनिवर्सिटी, गांधिनगर आनी माहे, मणिपाल. इंडोराचे इंडियन इन्स्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ मेनेजमेंटाचो अध्यक्ष जावनशीलो.

मान सम्मान
कामताक 2008 इसवींत भारत सरकाराचे मानाधीक पद्मभूषण प्रशस्ती लाभले. फ़ोर्ब्स एशियाचे ब्युसिनेसमेन ऑफ़ द इयर, द इकोनोमीक टायम्साचे ब्युसिनेस लीडर अवार्ड ऑफ़ द इयर (2007), CNBC – TV18 चे औटस्टेंडिंग ब्युसिनेस लीडर ऑफ़ द इयर आनी हेर प्रशस्ती लाभले.

K. V. Kamath

Kundapur Vaman Kamath, commonly called as K. V. Kamath, was the former chief of the New Development Bank of BRICS. He also served as the chairman of Infosys Limited, Managing Director and CEO of ICICI Bank. He was born on 02-12-1947 to vishwanath and uma in Mangalore He persued his Mechanical Engineering from NITK, Suratkal and Post Graduate Diploma in Management from IIM – Ahmadabad.

After graduating from IIM in 1971, Kamath started his career with ICICI, where he sreved in various deparatments to gather experience. Kamath has generally been credited with expanding ICICI’s business to evolve it into a technology – enabled financial organisation. In 1988, Kamath joined the Asian Development Bank, Manila. His principal work experience at ADB was in various projects in China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Bangladesh and Vietnam. In 1996, he returned to ICICI as its Managing Director and CEO and led the way to the formation of ICICI Bank. In 2011, he was appointed as Non-Executive Chairman of Infosys Limited. In 2014, he was appointed as chief of the New Development Bank set up by the BRICS.
Kamath is a member of the Governing Boards of several educational institutions, including IIM – Ahmadabad, Indian school of Business, National Institute of Bank Management, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar and MAHE, Manipal. He was the chairman of Governing Board at Indian Institute of Management, Indore.

Kamath was honoured with Padma Bhushan award by Indian Government in 2008. He has bagged many awards like – Businessman of the year, Forbes, Asia, Business Leader Award of the Year – The Economic Times, 2007, Outstanding Business Leader of the year – CNBC – TV18, 2006 and many more.