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J. B. Moraes





जोन बेप्टिस्ट मोरायस कर्नाटकाचो ख्यात कोंकणी कवी आनी लेखक जावनशीलो. कोंकणी साहित्याक साहित्य अकाडेमी प्रशस्ती प्राप्त जालालो कर्नाटकाचो पयलो कवी म्हळेली ख्याती ताका पावता. पत्रकर्त जावन ताका पत्रिकोद्यमांत खूब अनुभव आशीलें. जोन बॅपटिस्ट मोरायस 1933 इसवेंत दक्षिण कन्नड जिल्हाचे निड्डोडींत जल्मलो. ताणे मुंबयच्या पार्क देवीस लिमिटेड कंपनीच्या डिपोंत मेनेजर जावन वावर केलां.

साहीत्य कृती
जे.बि. मोरायसान कवन, ल्हान काणियो, नाटक, जीवन चरित्र, कविता, प्रबंध, कोंकणीक भाशांतर, रूपांतर, लेखन अशें साहित्याचे सर्व प्रकारांत देणगी दिल्या. “नोवि होकाल (1977), भितरलें तूफ़ान (1984), एक देंट, एक पान” (2002) तागेले प्रमुख कवनं. “कोशाडेन केल्ली खून” (1980) ताणे बरयिलें ल्हान काणी. जोर्ज फ़ेर्नांडीसाले जीवन चरित्र (1999), सोपान पार्की ज़ुजे नाटक (2002), पुटिफराचि बैल वेर्स (1990), मंगलूरचीं उज्वल रत्न (1983) जीवन रूपरेशा, चा. फ़्रा. डिकोस्टाले वयर बरयिलें निबंध (2001), भाशांतर कृती पयकी रोमियो जूलियट (नाटक) (1954), ओंट्या नशिल्लें सोपान (1975) (कादंबरी), नोवें पोयण, वू 1 कन्नड साहित्याचो इतिहास (1989) प्रमुख जावनसात. रूपांतर कृती पयकी “निसरलेल्याक लोटून घालो (1976), बोल्प्यां मद्ली शेळी (कादंबरी) (1977), ज़ोर्लो गोम्स (1987) (शेर्लाक होम्साले काणियो) प्रमुख जावनस. ’दिव्यामृत’ (1989) महाकाव्य, ’हिस्टरी ऑफ़ कोंकणी लिटरेचर (2000)’ इंग्लीश कृती, “मास्टर पीसस ऑफ़ इंडियन लिटरेचर” (1997) ताणे बरयिलें लेखन जावनसात.

मान सम्मान
जे. बि. मोरायसान बरयिलें भितरलें तूफ़ान कवन संकलनाक 1985 इसवीचें साहित्य अकाडेमी पुरस्कार लाभलां. ताका महाराष्ट्र गौरव पुरस्कार 1990 आनी संदेश प्रतिष्ठानाचे साहित्य पुरस्कार (2000) लाभलां. साहित्य अकाडेमीचे ’मेकर्स ऑफ़ इंडियन” लिटरेचर मालिकेक चा.फ़्रा डिकोस्टले विवर दीवनु प्रबंध बरयलां. तशेंच साहित्य अकाडेमी खातीर “हिस्टरी ऑफ़ कन्नडा लितरेचर” कृती भाशांतर करुन दिलां. तो 19 वे अखील भारत कोंकणी परिशदाचे अध्यक्ष (1993) आशीलो. मुंबय कोंकणी भाशा मंडल रचनेंत प्रमुख पात्र घेतलां आनी ताजे कार्यदर्शी जावनु आशीलो (1992). तो साहित्य अकाडेमीचे कोंकणी सल्ला मंडळिचे सांदो जावनशीलो. तो भारतीय ज्ञानपीठाचे कोंकणी सल्ला समितिचे समन्वयकार जावनशीलो.

J. B. Moraes

John Baptist Moraes was a famous Konakani poet and writer. He was the first Konkani writer from Karnataka to receive Sahitya Academy Award. As a journalist, Mr. Moraes has experience in working with the various Konkani periodicals. He was born in 1933 in Niddodi, a villege in Dakshina Kannada District. He has worked as depot manager with Park Davis Ltd in Mumbai.

J.B.Moraes has written in all the form of literature including – poems, short stories, novels, plays, verse, Life sketches, monograph, translation, adaptation, epic poem, articles. His famous works were – Poetry: Novi vhokal(1977), Bhitorlem Tufan (1984), Ek Dent, Ek Paan (2000). “Koshaddan Kelli khun (Short Story) 1980, George Fernandes (Biography) 1999, Sopann – Parki Zuze (Play) 2002, Putipharachi Bail (Verse) 1990, Monglurchim Ujwal Ratna (Life Sketches) 1983, Cha. Fra. D’costa (Monograph) 2001, His translation works are – Romeo – Juliet, (Play) 1954, Ontya Nashillem Sopann (Novel) 1975, Novem Poinn, Woo1 Kannada Sahityacho Itihas (Literary History) 1989. “Nisaralleak Lotun Ghalo (Novel) 1976, Bolpyam Modhli Sheli (Novel) 1977, Zorlo Gomes (Sherlock Homes Stories) 1987 are his Adaptaion works. His epic poem is “Divyamrut” (1989). History of konkani Literature (2000) is his English work. ‘Masterpieces of Indian literature’ (1997) is acontributions of articles.

J. B. Moraes received the Sahitya Akademi Award for his collection of Konkani poems “Bhitorlem Tufan” in 1985. He received Maharashtra Gaurav Puraskar in 1990 and Sandesha Pratishtan Literary Award in 2000. He has written a monograph of the great Konkani poet C.F.D’costa for the Sahitya Akademi under the series “Makers of Indian Literature”. He has translated ‘History of Kannada Literature for Sahitya Akademi. Mr.Moraes was elected President of the 19th session of the All India Konkani Parishad in 1993. J. B. Moraes was an instrumental in reviving the oldest representative body of Konkanis “Konkani Bhasha Mandal, Mumbai” in 1992 and he became its General Sevretary. He was a member of the General council and konkani Advisory Board of the Sahitya Akademi. He was also Convener of the Konkani Advisory Committee of the Bharatiya Jnanapith.