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George Fernandes




जोर्ज फ़ेर्नांडीस

जोर्ज फ़ेर्नांडिस भारताचो कमगार संघाचो मुखेली, राजनीतिज्ञ, पत्रिकोद्यमी, राज्य सभा आनी लोकसभा सदस्य जावनसल्लो. तो केंद्रांत रेल्वे मंत्री, कैगारिका मंत्री आनी रक्षणा मंत्री जावनसल्लो. तो समता पक्षाचो स्थापक आसून जनता दल पक्षाचो मुखेली आसल्लो. मंगळूरांत जल्मल्लो तो मुळावे शिक्षण जोडल्या उप्रांत याजक तरबेत घेवचाक बेंगळूराक गेलो. थंय ताणे तत्वशास्त्राचे अध्ययन केलें.

राजकीय जीवन
जोर्ज बेंगळूरा थावन मुंबय गेलो. थंय ताणे समाजवादी कामगार संघाचे च्ळवळींत वांटो घेतलें. 1950-60 इसवी थांय रेल्वेंत कामकरताना कामगार संघाचो मुखेली जावन ताणे साभार संप आनी बंद मांडोवन हाडलेत. 1967 इसवींत तो पयलें पावटी लोकसभाक दक्षीण मुंबय थावन चुनायीत जालो. 1974 इसवींत अखील भारत रेल्वे कामगार महासंघाचो अध्यक्ष आशीले काळार रेल्वे मुष्कर मांडोवन हाडलें. 1975 इसवींत तुर्तपरिस्थिती वेळार तो भूगत जालो परंतु बरोडा डैनामाइट केसांत बंधन जालें. तुर्तु परिस्थिती काडले उप्रांत 1977 इसवींत तो बिहार थावन चुनायीत जालो. तेदाना तो कैगारिका मंत्री जावन नेमणूक जालो आनी कानून पालन करनाच म्हळेले कारणान कोका-कोला आनी आइ.बि.एम. कंपनींक देश सोडून वचाक आदेश दिलो. रेल्वे मंत्री आस्ताना कोंकण रेल्वे खातीर खूब कामकेलें. ताणे रक्ष्णा मंत्री (1998-2004) आशीले वेळार कारगील युद्ध घडलें. पोख्रानांत भारताचे न्यूक्लियर परीक्षा करयीले ख्याती ताका लाभलां. बराक मिसायल आनी तेहल्का घोटाळेंत तागेले नांवांक करी लागली. तो 1967-2004 पर्यंत लोकसभाक 9 वेळाक चुनायीत जाला. जोर्ज कोंकणी, कन्नड आनी इंग्लीष पत्रिकेचो संपादक जावनशीलो. ताणे “What Ails the Socialists, Socialist communist Interaction in India, In the year of the disabled: India’s disabled government, Dignity for All: Essays in Socialism and Democracy, George Fernandes Speaks” (जीवन चरित्र) इत्यादी पुस्तक बरयलां.

मान सम्मान
जोर्जाक सार्वजनीक यवजणेक भारत सरकाराचो उन्नत पद्म विभूशण प्रशस्ती मरणॊत्तर जावन दिलां (2020).

George Fernandes

George Mathew Fernandes was an Indian trade unionist, statesman, journalist, member of Rajya Sabha and member of Lok Sabha. He held several ministerial portfolios including communication, Industry, Railways and Defence. He was Born on 03-06-1930 in Manngalore. He persued his education at St. Aloysius College, Mangalore till SSLC. Later Fernandes was sent to Bangalore in 1946 to be trained as a priest. There he studied Philosophy.
In 1949, George moved to Bombay, where he joined the socialist trade union movement. After becoming a trade union leader, Fernandes organised many strikes and bandhs in Bombay, while working with the Indian Railways. In 1967, he was elected to Parliament from the Bombay South constituency. He organised the 1974 Railway Strike, when he was President of the All India Railwaymen’s Fedaration. Fernandes went underground during Emergency in 1975. But in 1976 he was arrested and jailed in the Baroda Dynamite case. After the emergency was lifted in 1977, he was elected and was appointed as Union Minister for Industries. During his tenure as union minister, he ordered American multinationals IBM and Coca-Cola to leave the country due to investment rules violation. He was the driving force behind the Konkan Railway Project during his tenure as Railway minister. He was the defence minister in the NDA government, when the Kargil War broke out. India conducted its nuclear tests at Pokhran. A veteran socialist, Fernandes has been dogged by various controvrsies including the Barak Missile scandal and the Tehelka Affair. He won 9 Lok Sabha elections from 1967-2004. He was editor of Konkani, Kannada and English magazines. Fernandes wrote sevral books on politics including “What Ails the Socialists, Socialist Communist interaction in India, In the Year of Disabled: India’s disabled Government, Dignity of All: Essays in Socialism and Demcracy and his Biography titled George Fernandes Speaks”.
Fernandes was awarded the Padma Vibhushan India’s second highest civilian award posthumously in 2020 in the field of Public Affairs