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Ekanath K. Thakur




एकनाथ के. ठाकुर

एकनाथ ठाकुर भारताचो राजकारणी आनी राज्यसभा सद्स्य जावनशीलो. तो 15-02-1941 इसवेंत महाराष्ट्र राज्याचे सिंधुदुर्ग, म्हापनांत जल्मलो. तो ंअहरश्त्र राज्याचे प्रतिनि्धी जावन रज्यसभे सांदो जावनशीलो. बेंक अधिकारी परीक्षेक तरबेत दिवचे खातीर ताणे नेशनल स्कूल ऑफ़ बेंकिंग स्थापन केलां. तो सारस्वत बेंकाचो अध्यक्ष जावनशीलो. एकनाथ थाकुरान बि.ए. आनी सि.ए.अय.अय.बि. पदवी जोडल्या.

वृत्ती जीवन
एकनाथ ठाकुर स्टेट बॅंक ऑफ़ इंडियाचे केंद्र मंडळीचो निर्देशक जावनशीलो. तो 2002 पासून 2008 थांय महाराष्ट्र राज्य थावन राज्यसभा सांदो जवन वेंचून आयलो. ताणे माहिती आनी तंत्रज्ञान, रक्षणा आनी आहार संस्करण उद्यमाचे संसदीय स्थायी समितीचो सदस्य जावनशीलो. तशेंच आर्थीक आनी वाणिज्याचे संसदीय सल्ला मंडळीचो सांदो आशिलो. तो विश्वब्यांकाचो प्रधान कार्यदर्शी जावनशीलो. तो अखील भारत बॅंक अधिकारींलें संघटनेचो उपाध्यक्ष उप्रांत अध्यक्ष जावनशीलो. 1977 इसवींत भारताचे सार्वजनीक आनी खासगी 30,00,000 अधिकारिलें प्रतिनिधी जावन स्विट्ज़रलेंडाचे जिनेवांत अंतराष्ट्रीय कार्मीक संस्थेंत जालेल्या पयलें विश्व सम्मेळनांत ताणे भाग घेतलें. त्या सम्मेळनांत 127 देशाचे प्रतिनिधी पयकी ठाकुर उपाध्यक्ष जावन वेंचून आयलो. तो ड्राफ़्टिंग कमिटीचो सदस्य जावन नियुक्त जालो. ताणे महाराष्ट्र राज्याचे अर्थ निगमाचे निर्देषक जावन 4 वरस आनी अध्यक्ष जावन 2 वरस वावरकेलां. तो महाराष्ट्र चेंबर ऑफ़ कोमर्स, इंडस्ट्री आनी कृषी निगमाचो अध्यक्ष आशीलो. तो भारतीय शिक्षण संस्थेचो गौरव कार्यदर्शी आनी कार्य निर्वाहक अधिकारी जावनशीलो. ह्या संस्थे खाल मुंबयीचे 75 शैक्षणीक संस्थो येता. ताणे स्थापन केलेले नेशनल स्कूल ऑफ़ बॅंकींग भारतांत आशीले आपले 50 केंद्रा मुखांतर 3,00,000 अभ्यर्थींक बॅंक प्रवेष परीक्षेक तरबेत दिता. तो कराची महाराष्ट्रीय शिक्षण प्रसार मंडलाचो अध्यक्ष जावनशीलो.

मान सम्मान
एकनाथ ठाकूराक साभार सन्मान आनी पुरस्कार लाभल्यात. समाज रत्न प्रशस्ती, डा. बाबासाहेब अंबेड्कर प्रशस्ती, क्यान्सर विजेता प्रशस्ती, साने गुरूजी प्रशस्ती, रोटरी इंटरनेशनल क्लबाचे जीवमान साधन प्रशस्ती, मनोहर प्रतिष्ठान थावन उद्योग रत्न प्रशस्ती, अखील भारत सारस्वत प्रतिष्ठान दाकून सारस्वत रत्न प्रशस्ती, डा. टि.एम.ए. पै फ़ौंडेशना तरफेन अत्युत्तम कोंकणी व्यक्ती प्रशस्ती आनी मक्सेल जीवमान साधना पुरस्कार आनी हेर प्रशस्ती ताका लाभल्या.

Ekanath K. Thakur

Ekanatha K. Thakur was an Indian politician born on 15-02-1941 in Mhapan, Sindudurg. He was a Member of Parliament of india representing Maharashtra in the Rajya Sabha. He was the founder of National School of Banking, a successful training institute that prepares test takers for Bank officers exam. He was also Chairman of the Board of directors of Saraswat Bank. Ekanath Thakur had B.A. CAIIB. degree.

Ekanath Thakur was the Director of Central Board of State Bank Of India. He was a Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha from 2002-2008. He was a Member of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Information & Technology, Defence & Food Processing Industry. He was also a Member of Parliamentary Consultative Committee on Finance & Commerce. He was the General Secretary of World Bank. He was Vice President and later President of All India Confedaration of Bank Officers Organisations (AICBOO), a representative of 2,00,000 officers in Banking Industry. In 1977, he represented India among 30,00,000 officers working in Public and Private sector in first ever World Conference for Officers held at International Labour Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland. In the Conference, he was elected as Vice President of Officers Group from 127 countries. He was elected as member of the Drafting Committee. He was the Director of Maharashtra State Financial corporation for 4 years during which he also acted as chairman for 2 years. He was the President of Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture. He was the honarary Secretary and Chief Executive Officer of Indian Education Society. He was also President of Karachi Maharashtriya Shikshan Prasarak Mandal.

Awards and Recognition
Eknath Thakur was honoured with many Awards including Samaj Ratna Award, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Award, Sane Guruji Award, Cancer vijeta Award, Rotary International’s “Life time Achievement Award, Udyog Ratna Award by Manohar Pratishthan, Saraswat Ratna Award by All India Saraswat Foundation, Outstanding Konkani person of the year 2012 by Dr. T.M.A. Pai Foundation, Manipal and Maxell Lifetime Achievement Award by Maxell Foundation, Maharashtra.