डा. रामदस एम. पै प्रख्यात आरोग्य प्रशासक, माहे विश्वविद्यानिलयाचो कुलपती आनी मणिपाल शिक्षण आनी वैद्यकीय संस्थेचो अध्यक्ष जावनस. तो मणीपालाचे ख्यात वैज डा. टि.एम.ए पै आनी शारदा दंपतीलो पूत जावनस. ताणे कर्नाटक विश्वविद्यानिलय थावन वैद्यकीय पद्वी आनी पेन्सिल्वेनियाचे टेंपल विश्वविद्यानिलया दाकून आरोग्य प्रशासनांत स्नातकोत्तर पदवी जोडली.
वृत्ती जीवन
1961 इसवींत रामदास पै मणिपालाक परत येवन कस्तुर्बा अस्पतालांत प्रशासक जावन वृत्ती आरंभ केलें. 1979 इसवींत तो माहेचो चान्सिलर आनी मणिपाल शिक्षण आनी वैद्यकीय समूहाचो अध्यक्ष जालो. तो सिक्कीम-मणिपाल विश्वविद्यनिलयाचो सहकुलपती (प्रो-चान्सिलर), टि.ए. पै मेनेजमेंट संस्थेचो अध्यक्ष आनी मणिपाल अकाडेमी ऑफ़ जनरल एजुकेश्न, मणिपालाचो चान्सिलर जावनस. रामदास पैले प्रयत्नाक मान करून यु.जि.सी. थावन 1993 इसवींत माहेक डीमड युनिवर्सिटी मानयता दिलां. 2000 इसवींत मानव संपन्मूल अभिवृद्धी मंत्रालयाचे विशेष 6 सद्स्यालें सल्लामंडळीक उच्छ शिक्षण विभागाक तो नामांकीत जालो. 2001 इसवींत ताणे मणिपाल फ़ौंडेशन आरंभ केलें.
मान सम्मान
2011 इसवींत रामदास पैक पद्मभूषण पुरस्कार लाभला. उडुपी उत्सव समिती दाकून उडुपी रत्न प्रशस्ती लाभले. 2006 इसवींत कर्नाटक सरकारा तरपेन सुवर्णा कर्नाटक सन्मान लाभला. डा. बि.सि. रॉय प्रशस्ती (1993), कोंकणी प्रचार सभाचे कोंकणी प्रतिभा प्रशस्ती (1994), विश्व कोंकणी सम्मेळन प्रशस्ती (1995), फ़िक्की थावन जीवमान साधना पुरस्कार (2018), भांग्राळें मयूर जीवमान साधना पुरस्कार (2011), विदेशाचे विश्वविद्यानिलयाचे गौरव डोक्टरेट आनी हेर प्रशस्ती लाभलां.
Dr. Ramadas Madhava Pai is health administrator and the chancellor of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) and chairman of Manipal Education and Medical Group. He was born on 17-09-1935 to famous Doctor T.M.A.pai and Sharada Pai in manipal. Pai graduated with his MBBS from Karnatak University, Dharwad and Master of Health Administration from Temple University, Pennsylvania
In 1961 Dr. Pai returned to Manipal to join as the administrator of Kasturba Hospital. In 1979, he became the head of the group, chancellor of the Manipal Academy of Higher Education and the Chairman of the Manipal Education and Medical Group. He is also the Pro-Chancellor of Sikkim Manipal University, President of T.A. Pai Management Institute and Chancellor of Manipal Academy of General Education, Manipal. His efforts led to MAHE getting the status of Deemed University granted by the University Grants Commission in 1993. In 2000, Pai was nominated by the Union Minister of Human Resource Development to a special six-member advisory committee to the Department of the Higher Education. In 2001, he set up the Manipal Foundation.
In 2011, Dr. Pai received the Padma Bhushan Award, Udupi Ratna in 2005 from the Udupi utsav committee. In 2006, he was honoured in the celebration of the Suvarna Karnataka by the Government of Karnataka. In 1993, he received the Dr. B.C. Roy Award, Konkani Pratibha award by Konkani Bhasha Prachar Sabha, Cochin (1994), Award by World Konkani convention (1995), Life time achievement award by FICCI (2018), Golden Peacock Lifetime Achievement Award (2011) and many Honarary Doctorate by Foriegn universities.