ऑस्टीन डिसौज़ा प्रभु अमेरिकांत आसुचो कोंकणी साहिती. रोमन केथोलीक समुदायाचो ऑस्टीन 08-08-1950 इसवेंत मंगळूराचे नंतूरांत जल्मलो. बापय नांवाड्दीक शिंवोणगार गोल्बर्ट डि’सोज़ा आनी आवय रोज़ डि’सोज़ा. ताणे साभार नाटक, लेखन आनी पुस्तकं बरयल्यात. तो कोंकणीचे पयलें इ – नियतकालीक “वीज़” पत्रिकेचो संपादक आनी प्रकाशक जावन आसा. ऑस्टीनालें प्राथमीक शिक्षण सांत जोसेफ़, नंतूर, प्रौढ शिक्षण पादुवा हायस्कूल, मेक्यानिकल फ़िट्टर आइ.टि.आइ मंगळुरांत जालें. बि.ए. पदवी मैसूर मुक्त विश्वविद्यानिलय, कंप्यूटर शिक्षण ट्रिटन कोलेज, एम.बि.ए पदवी आनी पिएच.डी पदवी पेसिफ़िक वेस्टर्न विश्वविद्यानिलय, लोसएंजल्स यु.एस.ए थाव्न जोडलें.
ऑस्टीनान आपले 23 वरस प्रायेर “झेलो” पाक्षीक (1973 -77), “मित्र ” साप्ताहीक आनी “काणीक” महिन्याळें (1974 -77) पत्रिकेचो संपादक आनी प्रकाशक जावन काम केलां. ऑस्टीनाक संघटन कौशल्या बरें आसा. त्यागी मसूदे वेळार ताणे सर्व क्रैस्त समुदायाचे लोकांक आंदोलनांत भाग घेवचाक उमेद दिली. ताणे बरयिलें “आदर्श युवजन” कृती युवजनांक साधन करचाक स्पूर्ती दिता. तो अमेरिकांत आसूचे भारतीय केथोलीक असोसियेशनाचो अध्यक्ष जावनशीलो. तशेंच अमेरिकांत सभार संघ संस्थेंत सांदो जावन वावर करता आसा. अमेरिकांत लयन्स क्लबाचे डिस्ट्रिक्ट गवर्नर जावानसा. तागेले जीवन चरित्र देश विदेशांतले पत्रिकेंत, अंतर जालांत प्रकट जालां. तो कोंकणी भाशा मंडलाचो स्थापक कार्यदर्शी जावनशीलो. अमेरिकांत कलासंपत कोंकणी असोसियेशन आरंभ केलां (1999). कोंकणी नाटक सभा, कोंकणी साहित्य परिषत संस्थेंत खूब वावर केलां. अमेरिकांत कोंकणी भास आनी संस्कृतीक लेखन आनी पुस्तक माध्यमांत दिलेले देणगीक राश्ट्रपती पुरस्कार मेळां.
मान सम्मान
डा. ऑस्टीन प्रभुक साभार संघ संस्थे थावन प्रशस्ती लाभलेत. अमेरिकाचे चिकागोंत आशीलें फ़ोरेस्ट पार्कांत एक रस्तेक ऑस्टीनालें नांव दवरलां. 2009 इसवींत ताका राष्ट्रपती प्रशस्ती लाभले. “मिलेनियम लीडरशिप प्रशस्ती” (2000), एशियन अमेरिकन हॉल ऑफ़ फ़ेम (2003), चिकागो मेयराले प्रशस्ती (2004) अमेरिकाचे एशियन क्रोनिकल संस्थेन ऑस्टीन दंपतीक लैफ़ टैम हुमनिटेरियन कपल 2013 प्रशस्ती दिल्या. अमेरिकाचे अध्यक्षाले सल्लामडळीचो आजीव सांदो जावनस. अमेरिकाचे माजि अध्यक्ष डोनल्ड ट्रंपाले सल्ला मंडळीचे सांदो जावन आशीलो. अमेरिकाचे डिस्ट्रिक्ट 1A सिटिज़न ऑफ़ द इयर अवार्ड (2018) लाभलां.
Dr Austin D’souza Prabhu US based well known Mangalorean Konkani literateur who has written plays, books and regular contributor to a wide range of Konkani print and electronic publications. He is the editor, publisher of the popular first ‘Konkani Electronic magazine’ on-line – VEEZ. Austin is born on 08-08-1950 to famous tailor Golbert D’souza and Roza D’souza in Nantoor, Mangalore. He persued his primary education from St. Joseph’s Calvary Elementary School, Padua High School Nanthur, Machanical Fitter from ITI, Mangalore, B.A from Mysore open university. Computer Science from Triton college, U.S.A, M.B.A and Ph.D from Pacific Western University, Los Angeles, U.S.A. Currently he is working for Deltrol Corporation as a department manager.
At the age of 23 Austin was the editor and publisher of Jhelo Fortnightly (1973-77), Mithr Weekly and Kannik Monthly Magazines (1974-77). Austin has a very good Organising skill. During Tyagi Masoode – Anti Religion Bill – protest meeting he gathered people from all over Mangalore (1978). He was the founder secretary of Konkani Bhasha Mandal. His book ‘Adarsh Yuvazonn’ was very much inspirable to youngsters. Austin was a dynamic leader, actor and a very good writer. He was president of Indian Catholic Association of America. He served as a president, vice-president secretary, treasurer of many organisations in America. He became Lion District Governor at the international Convention in Detroit, Michigan. His biography is published in several national and international magazines and websites. He established ‘Kalasampath Konkani Association in U.S. He has served in Natak Sabha and Konkani Sahitya parishat also. Austin received Award from the President of India in 2009 for promoting Konkani culture and literary contributions through his books and articles in U.S.
Dr.Austin received “Millenium Leadership Award”, Asian American “Hall of Fame (2003), Chicago Mayor’s award (2005), “Lifetime Asian Humanitarian Couple 2013” by Asian Chronicle,U.S. Mayor of Forest Park, Chicago in U.S.A to honour Dr. Austin D’souza Prabhu gave his name to a street. He received “District 1 A Citizen of the year Award 2018”. He is one of the Members of former US President Donald Trump’s advisory Board and US president’s life Member.