ख्यात वैद्य, शिक्षण तज्ञ ए. वि. बाळिगा 26 एप्रिल 1904 इसवींत उडुपी जिलेच्या कल्याण्पुरांत जल्मलो. तागेले प्राथमीक शिक्षण हिंदू हायर प्राथमीक शाळा कल्याणपुरांत जालें. प्रौढ शिक्षण खातीर तो उडुपीचे क्रिस्चन हायस्कूलाक दाखल जालो. माहात्मा गांधीलो उलो मानून ताणे ब्रिटिषराजाचो शिक्षण संस्थो सोडलो आनी गुजरात विद्यापीठान चलोवचो संस्थो नेशनल स्कूलांत प्रवेश घेतलो. त्या वेळाचे मेट्रिक्युलेशनाक ब्रिटिशानी मान्यता दींवका देकून ताका एम. बि. बि. एस करपाक अवकाश मेळूंक ना. त्या देकून ताका मुंबयचे नेशनल मेडिकल कोलेजाक एल.सि.पि.एस. शिक्षण घेवका जालें. ती परीक्षा ताणे अव्वल अंकान पास केलें. बाळिगाले वयर के. इ. एम. अस्पतालाचो जि.वि.देशमुखाले लक्ष आसल्लें. ताणे ताका वैद्य जावनु के.इ.एम.आस्पतलांत नियुक्त केलो.
वृत्ती जीवन
बाळिगा शिश्यवृत्ती खातीर लंडनाक गेलो. थंय ताणे लंडनाचे मेट्रिक्युलेशन, एल.आर.सि.पि., एम.आर.सि.एस. आनी एफ़.आर.सि.एस. पदवी जोडली. 1933 इसवींत तो भारताक येवनु के.इ.एम. आस्पतालांत सहायक सेवा वृत्ती शस्त्रवैद्य जावनु नेमणुक जालो. 1964 इसवी तांय ताणे खासगी आनी आस्पतालाचे वृत्ती सांबाळ्नु राष्ट्रीय आनी अंतराष्ट्रीय स्थरार ख्यात वैद्य म्हणून नांव पावलो. बाळिगान कुमटांत केनरा आर्ट्स आनी सायन्स कोलेज स्थापन करपाक उमेद दाकयली. तशेंच उडुपींत एम.जि.एम. कोलेज, मणिपालाचे कस्तूरबा मेडिकल कोलेज, मुंबय हाजी आलींत भुरग्यांचो अस्पताल करपाक सहाय केलें. तो भारतीय शस्त्रवैद्यांचे संघाचो स्थापक सांदो जावन आसलो. भारताचे स्वातंत्र उप्रांत ए.वि.बाळिगान गोवा मुक्ती आंदोलनांत वांटो घेतलो. भारत आनी रश्याचे राजकीय संबंध वाडच्यांत उमेद दाकयलें. 1962 इस्वींत चीना युद्धांत भारताचे पराजय उप्रांत अनधीकृत राजनैतीक ध्येयार चीना देशाक भेट दिलें. स्वतंत्र सामाजीक आनी राजकीय विचार व्यकत करपाक “पेट्रियट” दिसांळें आनी “लिंक” नेमाळें सुरु केलें.
मान सम्मान
ए. वि. बाळिगाले गौरवार्थ भारतांत साभार शिक्षण संस्थेंक ताचें नांव दवरलां.
A. V. Baliga was a physician, an educationist and a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. He was born on 26th April 1904 in Kallianpur, Udupi District. He persued his primary education in Hindu Higher Primary School, Kallianpur. Later he joined Christian High School in Udupi. In 1920, Mahatma Gandhi gave a call to students to leave educational institutions run by the British Raj. He joined the national School in Udupi which was affiliated to Gujarath Vidyapith, a Nationalist institute and passed his matriculation. Since the matriculation was not recognised by the British authorities, he could not be admitted to the M.B.B.S course. He was forced to join the L.C.P.S course at the National Medical College, Bombay. He was topper in L.C.P.S course and caught the attention of G.V.Deshmukh of KEM Hospital who appointed him house surgeon and physician.
Baliga went to U.K on a fellowship. He had to pass the London matriculation for his LRCP, MRCS and FRCS. He returned to India in 1933 and was appointed as an assistant honorary surgeon at the KEM Hospital, Bombay. He also started his private practice and became famous surgeon both nationally and Internationally. Baliga was instrumental in establishing the Kanara college of Arts and Science in Kumta (renamed as Dr. A.V. Baliga College, Kumta). He also helped to establish the M. G. M. college in Udupi, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal and the Orthopedic Children’s Hospital in Haji Ali, Bombay. He was a founding member of the Association of Surgeons of India.
After independence, he was involved in the Goa liberation movement. He played an important role in maintaining the good political relationship between India and former Soviet Union. After the 1962 debacle, he also went on an unofficial diplomatic mission to China. He published the “PATRIOT”, a daily and “LINK”, a magazine through which he could express independent social and political views.
Several Institutes in India are named after Dr. A.V. Baliga.