भारतीय गणीत शत्रज्ञ, संख्या शस्त्रज्ञ, भाशा तज्ञ जावन दामोदर धर्मानंद कोसंबी ख्यात जाला. ताणे कोसंबी वंशवृक्ष परिचय करचे मूलक अनुवंशीक शास्त्राक बहुमुख्य देणगी दिल्या. संख्या शास्त्रांत कोसंबी-कार्हुनेन-लोवेव प्रमेय मूलक आकस्मीक प्रक्रिये खातीर “ऑर्थोगोनल अनंत सरणी” अभिव्यक्ती अभिवृद्धी केलेले ख्याती दामोदराक पावता. नाण्य शास्त्र आनी संस्कृत पठ्य विमर्शात्मक जावन संकलन करच्यांतय तो नांव पावला. तो चैनाक्रांतिचो उरबेवंत आशीलो. विश्व शांती अंदोलनाचो सदस्य जावन ताणे वावर केलां. तो बुद्धशस्त्र आनी पाली भाशातज्ञ धर्मानंद कोसंबी आनी बालाबायीले पूत जावन गोवाचे कोसाबेन गांवांत जल्मलो.
वृत्ती जीवन
11 वरस प्रायेर दामोदर आनी तागेले भ्हयण माणीक बापय धर्मानंद कोसंबी सांगत मेसाचुसेट्साक गेलेत. थंय ताणे केंब्रीज आनी हार्वर्ड कोलेजांत गणीत शिक्षण घेतलें. हारवर्ड युनिवर्सिटी थावन ताका “सुम्म कम लाड” पदवी आनी अमेरिकाचे पुरातन संस्थेचो “फ़ै बीटा कप्पा सोसायटीचे” सदस्यत्व लाभलें. उप्रांत ताणे बनारस अनी आलिघर विश्वविद्यानिलयांत गणीत आनी जर्मन भाशा प्राध्यापक जावन वावर केलें. त्याच वेळार ताणे साभार संशोधना लेखन बरोवन प्रकट केलें. पुणेचे फ़र्ग्युसन कोलेजांत गणीत प्राध्यापक वृत्ती केलें. संख्या शास्त्राक संबंध पाविले ऑर्थोगोनल डिकांपोसिशन ताणे अभिवृद्धी केलें. उप्रांत ताणे सामाजीक विज्ञानांत संशोधन केलें. 1945 इसवींत भारताचो ख्यात अणु विज्ञानी होमी भाभान मुंबयचे टाटा संशोधनालयाक गणीत प्राध्यापक जावन आह्वान दिलें. त्या वेळार ताणे केलेले थोडे संशोधन आजीकय कंप्यूटर आनी जीव शास्त्र विषयार प्रस्तुत जावनसात. 1948 इसवींत दामोदरान मार्क्सिस्ट तत्वाचे परिचय जावन राजकीयाक प्रवेश केलें. ताणे मार्क्सवाद आनी भारताचे इतिहासाचे अध्ययन करून ’भारताचे ऐतिहासीक अध्ययन: एक परिचय” म्हळेलें पुस्तक प्रकट केलां. ताणे इतिहास विषयांत 4 पुस्तकं अनी 64 लेखन बरयलां. गणीत विषयांत साभार लेखनां आनी 2 पुस्तक बरयलां परंतु पुस्तक प्रकट जायनीं
मान सम्मान
कोसंबीन केलेले साधन खूब लोकांक तांतूय संस्कृत भाषा शास्त्रज्ञ आनी मार्क्सवदाचे विद्वांसांक चड आदर्शप्राय जावनस. इतिहास तज्ञा वयर तागेलो प्रभाव खूब आसा. गोवा सरकारान तागेले जन्मश्ताब्धी स्मरणार्थ दामोदर धर्मानंद कोसंबी उत्सव 2008 थावन प्रती वरस मांडोवन हाडला . भारत सरकाराचे टपाल इलाखेन कोसंबीले गौरवार्थ टपाल चीट काडलां (2008).
Damodar Dharamananda Kosambi was an Indian polymath with interests in mathematics, Statistics, Philology, history and genetics. He contributed to genetics by introducing the Kosambi map function. In statistics he was the first person to develop orthogonal infinite series expression for stochastic process via the Kosambi-Karhunen-Loeve Theorem. He was also known for his work in numismatics and compiling critical editions of ancient Sanskrit texts. He was an enthusiast of chinese revolutions and its ideas and in addition a leading activist in the World Peace movement. He was born on 31-07-1907 to Dharmananda Kosambi and Balabai in Kosaben Villege,Goa . His father was expert in Buddha Shastra and Pali Language.
When he was 11 years old Damodar and his sister went to Massachusetts with their father Dharmananda Kosambi. He was admitted to Cambridge Latin School. In 1929, Harvard awarded him B.A. degree with a Summa Cum Laude. He was also granted membership to the esteemed Phi Beta Kappa Society in the United States. Later he worked as a professor teaching German and mathematics at Banaras University and Aligarh Universty. There he published his 8 research papers in the general area of differential geometry and path spaces. In 1932, he joined Fergusson college in Pune, where he taught mathematics for 14 years. One of the most important contributions of Kosambi to Statistics is “Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD). His studies in numismatics that initiated him in to the field of historical research. He made a thorough study of Sanskrit and ancient literature and published exemplary critical editions of Bhartrihari’s work. During the period of Independence movement, he became outspoken Marxist and wrote some political articles. In the 1940s, Homi j. Bhabha invited Kosambi to join Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. Even today also his research works are applicable in the field of computer and Biology. He worked on his marxist rewriting of ancient Indian history, which culminated in his book, “An Introduction to the Study of Indian History”. He has published 4 books and 64 articles on history. He has published several articles and wrote two books on Mathematics.
Kosambi was an inspiration to many across the world, especially to Sanskrit philologists and Marxists scholars. He deeply influenced historiography. Government of Goa has instituted the Annual D.D. Kosambi Festival of ideas since February 2008 to commemorate his birth centenary. India Post issued a commemorative postage stamp to honour him in 2008.