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Bidaram Krishnappa




बिडारं कृष्णप्पा

बिडारं कृष्णप्पा प्रसिद्ध संगीतगार आनी कर्नाटकी संगीत रचपी जावन मैसूर रायाले आस्थानांत संगीत विध्वांस जावन आशीलो. बिडारं कृष्णप्पा कोंकणी उलोवपी गौड सारस्वत समुदायाचे नंदळिके विश्वनाथय्या आनी सरस्वति दंपततिले दाकळो पूत जावन उडुपी जिल्हाचो नंदळिके गांवांत 1866 इसवेंत जल्मलो. कृष्णप्पाले बापय धर्मस्थळ दशावतार मेळाचो स्त्री पात्रधारी आशीलो. मैसूरु रायाले आपोवणे निमीत तो मैसूरांत वसती करता. भायले गांवा थाकून बिडार करून आशील्यांक बिडारांची म्हणून आपयतलेंत. देकून तांका ’बिडार” आडनांव आयलें

व्रुत्ती जीवन
एक दीस दुभळो बुरगो देवळांत भजन गायताना एक व्यापारी तागेले आवाज आयकून रामास्वामी म्हळेले संगीतगारा लागी ताका तरबेत दिवयता. तो दुबळो बुर्गो कृष्णप्पा जावनशीलो. मुखार ताका वीणे शेषण्णा आनी तम्मय्या असले विद्वाना लागी संगीत शिकचो अवकाश लाभलें. वेदीर कन्नड भजन सांगचो ख्याती कृष्णप्पाक मेळता. तमीळ्नाडांत कन्नड कीर्तन जनप्रिय केलेले ख्याती ताका फावो जाता. थोडे वेळा हिंदूस्थानी संगीत आनी कर्नाटकी संगीत मेळोवन गायन करतालो. संगीत विद्येंतलें प्रभु्त्वा निमीत तागेले अभिमानी डा. नंजुंड राव आनी सावकार तम्मय्या कृष्णप्पाक राजाश्रय मेळचाक कारण जातात. तो मैसूराचो चामराज वडेयर ix रायाले (1862-1894) आस्थानांत आनी कृष्णराज वडेयर iv रायाले (1884-1940) आस्थानांत संगीत विध्वांस जावनशीलो. कीर्तन रचन करून गायन करच्यांत तो प्रख्यात आशीलो. ताणे मैसूराचे देवराज मोहल्लांत प्रसन्न सीताराम मंदीर प्रतिष्ठापन केलां. तागेले शिष्य टि. चौडय्या, आर.आर. केशव मूर्ती, रालपळ्ळी अनंत कृष्ण शर्मा प्रख्यात जालेत.

मान सम्मन
मैसूर रायान कृष्णप्पाक ’गान विशारद’ म्हळालो बिरुदु दीवन गौरव केला. उत्तर भारताचे गद्वाल रायान गयक शिरोमणी म्हळेलें बिरुदु प्रधान केलां. तशेंच शुद्ध स्वराचार्य, पल्लवी कृष्णप्पा म्हाळालो बिरुदु ताका लाभला. तागेले गौरवार्थ मैसूरांत देवराज मोहल्लांत एक रस्थ्याक बिडारं कृष्णप्प रस्थो म्हणून नांव दवरलां.

Bidaram Krishnappa

Bidaram Krishnappa was a musician and composer of carnatic Indian music in the court of ] Mysore Kingdom. He was born in 1866 to Nandalike Vishvanathayya and Saraswathi couple, who belongs to Konkani speaking Gowda Saraswatha Brahmin and a native of Nandalike in Udupi District. father was a artist in Dhrmasthala dashavatara Mela. He shifted his family to Mysore after theinvitation From King Mummadi KrishnaRaja Vodeyar of Mysore Kingdom. In those days they used to call Bidaras to those who reside there coming from out side the Mysore. Thus Krishnappa has got the Surname of ‘Bidaram’

When Krishnappa was a boy, he had a chance to encounter with a rich businessman who loved music. This happened when hungry Krishnappa, who came from a poor family, was singing devotional song in a local temple. Impressed with his voice, the merchant sponsored Krishnappa to train under the guidance of a musician called Ramaswamy. Later he came under the influence of Tammayya and Veene Sheshanna. Krishnappa was credited with having popularised the singing of Kannada keerthan on stage. He adopted certain concepts of Hindustani music into his Carnatic compositions. He has popularised the Kannada keerthanas in Tamilnadu. Dr. Nanjunda Rao and Sahukar Timmappayya were great fans of Krishnappa and they influenced the King of Mysore to support him. Thus he was in the court of Chamaraja Wadeyar ix (1862-1884) and King Krishnaraja Wadeyar Iv (1884-1940) of the Kingdom of Mysore. T. Chowdiah, R.R. Keshavmurthy, Rallapalli Anantha Krishna Sharma were his well-known desciples. Krishnappa has established Sri Prasnna Seetha Rama Temple in Devaraja Mohalla, Mysore.

Krishnappa was honoured with title “Gana Visharada” from King of Mysore and Gayak Shiromani by King of Gadval, UP. He also earned the titles “Shuddha Swaracharya and Pallavi Krishnappa”. A road is named after Bidaram Krishnappa in Devaraja Mohalla, Mysore.