भारताचो ख्यात वकील बेनगल नरसिंग राव 26 फ़ेब्रुवरी 1887 इसवेंत मंगळूरांत जल्मलो. चित्रापुर सारस्वत ब्राह्मण समुदायाचो ख्यात वैद्य बेनगल राघवेंद्र राव नरसिंग रावाले बापय. नरसिंग राव भारतीय मुल्की अधिकारी, कायदे पंडीत आनी राजदूत जावन आशीलो. भारताचे संविधान रचनेंत ताणे प्रमुख पात्र घेतलां. केंब्रिजाचे ट्रिनिटी कोलेजांत उन्नत शिक्षण घेतलां. नरसिंगराव संविधानाचे कानून सल्लागार जावन विधान सभेंत आशीलो. 1952-53 तांय भारताचे प्रतिनिधी जावनु युनायटेड नेशन्स सेक्युरिटी कौन्सिलांत आशीलो.
वृत्ती जीवन
नरसिंग राव ईंडियन सिविल सर्वीस परीक्षा पास कोरनु 1909 इसवींत भारताक परत आयलो. भारत सरकाराचे पूर्व बंगालांत विविंगड जिल्हांत न्यायाधीश आनी लंडनांत भारताचे कायदेक संबंध पाविले वावर करतालो. 1933 इस्वींत सर जोन केर सांगत मेळनु भारताचे प्रांत संसद रचनेचें काम केलें. उप्रांत भारतीय कानून रचना केलें. 1935 इसवींत भारताचे फ़ेडेरल कोर्टाचे मुख्य न्यायाधीश जावनु नेमणूक जालो. 1939 इसवींत कल्कत्ताचे हैकोर्टांत जड्ज जावनु नेमणूक जालो. जम्मु आनी काश्मीराचे प्रधान मंत्री जावन नेमणूक जालो. (1944) बर्मा देशाचे संविधान रचन केलें (1946). 1949-52 थांय युनायटे्ड नेशन्सांत भारताचे प्रतिनिधी, उप्रांत अध्यक्ष जावनु आशीलो. हेगांत आशीले अंतराष्ट्रीय कोर्टाचे न्यायाधीश जावनु नेमणूक जालो (1952-53). भारत सरकारान तागेले जन्मशतब्दी वेळार पोस्टल स्टेंप प्रकट कोर्नु मान दिला (1988).
Benagal Narsing Rao was an Indian civil servant, jurist, diplomat born on 26th February 1888 in Mangalore. His father Benagal Raghavendra Rao was an eminent doctor and he belongs to Chitrapur Saraswat Brahman Community. Narsing Rao was known for his key role in drafting the Constitution of India. He was the Constitutional Advisor to Constituent Assembly. He also served as the President of the United Nations Security Council for the period 1950-52.
Narsing Rao passed the Indian Civil Service Examination in 1909 and returned to India. He served as a Judge in East Bengal and also worked for India in London. He also worked with Sir John Kerr to prepare note on how provincial legislature in India might be designed to work better. Rao worked with the reforms office of the Government of India, on drafting the Govrnment Of India Act, 1935. He served thereafter as a Judge on the Calcutta High Court. After retirement in 1944, Rao was appointed as the Prime Minister of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir. Rao also assisted in drafting the early constitution of Burma. Rao served India as a representing deligate in the United Nations. He was appointed as a Judge of the International Court in Hague. In 1988, on the occasion of his birth centenary the Government of India issued a Postage stamp in honor of B.N. Rao