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Barrister Nath Pai




ब्यारिस्टर नाथ पै

नाथ बापु पै भारताचो ख्यात वकील, राजकारणी आनी स्वातंत्र झुजारी. तो प्रजा सोशलिस्ट पक्षाचो संस्थापक आशीलो. तो 25 सेप्टेंबर 1922 वरसांत महाराष्ट्राचे वेंगुर्लांत जल्मलो. ताचें पूर्णनांव पंढरीनाथ आसुन लोक मोगान ताका नाथ म्हणून आपयतलेंत. तागेले प्राथमीक शिक्षण वेंगुर्लांत आनी मेट्रिक्यूलेशन बेळगांवांत जालें. पदवी पुणेचे फ़र्गुसन कोलेज आनी इंग्लेंडांत ब्यारिस्टर पदवी घेतली.

वृत्ती जीवन
नाथ पै 1942 इसवींत चले जाव चळवळींत खूब क्रियाशील जावनशीलो. 18 वरस प्रायेर तो स्वातंत्र संग्रामांत वांटो घेवन साभर काळ तो भूगत जावनशीलो. ताणे गोवा मुक्ती आंदोलनांतय भाग घेतलां. 1954 इसवींत कोपनहेगनांत जालेल्या अंतराष्ट्रीय युव समाजवादी संघटनेचो पयलो भारतीय अध्यक्ष जावनु वेंचून आयलो. 1957 इसवींत राजापुर संविधान दाकून लोकसभेक चुनायीत जालो. उप्रांत आनी दोन वेळाक संसद जावनु वेंचुन आयलो. तांणी टपाल आनी रेल्वे उद्योगी संघट्नेंत प्रमुख वांटो घेतला. 1957 आनी 1960 इसवींत केंद्र सरकाराचे उद्यॊगींलें संपांत प्रमुखवांटो घेतिले खातीर मंबय बंदीखानेंत बंधनांत आ्शीलो. ताणे प्रजा समाजवादी पक्ष आरंभ केलें. लोकसभेंत सर्व संसद ताका खूब गौरव दितात आशीलें खंय. प्रधान मंत्री जवाहरलाल नेहरू ताका “ए जंटलमेन पोलिटिसियन” म्हणतालो खंय. तो फ़्रेंच आनी जर्मन भास सुरळीत जावनु उलयताशीलो. लोकसभेंत तो मराठी, हिंदी आनी संस्कृतान वाद मांडायता आशीलो. तागेले भाशा प्रावीण्य आनी वाकप्रवाहाक इतर संसद दंग जातालेंच. भारताचे पश्चीम करावळीक रेल जावका म्हळेले मागणी ताका आशीलें. कोंकण रेल्वे तागेले मनाची कल्पना म्हण्च्यांत कांयी संशय ना.

मान सम्मान
भारत सरकारान नाथ पै हांचे गौरवार्थ 1996 इसवेंत टपाल चीट काडलां.

Barrister Nath Pai

Nath Bapu Pai was an Indian Freedom fighter, Barrister and Member of Parliament being a prominent leader of Praja Socialist Party. He was born on 22nd September 1922 in Vengurla, Maharashtra. His real name was “Pandarinath” but he was popularly known as Nath. He attended primary school in Vengurla and completed his matriculation in Belgaum. He completed his graduation at Fergusson College Pune. He studied Law in England and became barrister.

Nath pai was very active during the 1942 Quit India movement. At the young age of 18 years he took part in Freedom struggle and went under ground for sevral months. In 1946 he joined Goa Liberation movement. In 1954, Nath Pai was elected as First Indian President of international Union of Socialist Youth conference held at Copenhagen. In 1957 he was elected to the Lok Sabha from the Rajapur constituency in Konkon. He was reelected twice from the same constituency. He was connected with the Postal Employee’s Union and the Northern Railwaymen’s Union. He played a prominent role in the Central Government Employee’s strikes of 1957 and 1960. He was arrested and lodged in the Bombay jail for leading the strike.
He started his political career with “Congress Socialist Party” and earned recognition as a leading light of the “Praja Socialist Party”. Nath Pai was highly respected and admired by the leaders of all political opinions and shades. Pandit Jawaharlal Neharu always referred to Nath Pai as “A Gentleman Politician”. He spoke French and German fluently. He was known for excellent “Oratory” in Marathi and English. The Konkan Railway was his brainchild. Demand for an indian West Coast railway line were continuously raised by Nath Pai as he actively voiced the concerns of the region.
The Government of India issued a postal stamp in honour of Nath Pai in 1996.